28. Boyfriend interrogation

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The second lesson was boring, it was Bussines. In that lesson I was dead, I didn't do anything even the teacher came to me to ask me what's wrong. I was lucky that I had Belle next to me that allowed me to copy all the answers from her. She gave me a long moral about Jason, remembering me how much fun we had in holiday and her point was that he still loved me and that he'll come back to me when he will realize what he lost. Blah, blah...

Talking to her actually made me feel way better. She made me realize lots of things.

It was break. Belle and me went to meet Alice. Drake was with his best friend, Mike. Alice was with her boyfriend, James.

"Hi yaa guys, how are you?" I asked and tried to smile.

"We're good" James answered holding Alice's hand.

We were sitting on the bench and I was bored.

"So, you love her, right?" I asked James.

"Of corse I do" he smirked proudly, half hugging her.

"Ahm, where are you going to take her for your first date?" this boyfriend interrogation was starting to entertain me.

"I'm not sure, where she wants" he smilled still holding her hand.

"Good, good.. what's her favourite colour?"

"Blue" he knew it.

"That's right... favourite food?"

"Pizza" everybody loves pizza.

Alice was just there laughing with Belle about my interrogation.

"What is the last gift you brought her?" I continued my questions.

"A bracelet"

"A very beautiful one" Alice interrupted by getting involved in our conversation, wearing a wide smile on her pale face that was now blushing.

I kept asking questions and he got everything right. It was surprising how he knew Alice so well. It was like they were made for each other. Alice is the funny girl, always happy to be around at. She has black, long hair. Most of the people say she is beautiful, and this is true. All the boys had a crush on her at least once, but she always has her eyes on just one guy, and that guy being James. James was the same. Girls say he was hot, and they are right. He has a cute voice, and a nice laugh. His hair is brown and his eyes a chocolate colour.

"Well done James, you are the perfect boyfriend for my dear sister, Alice! You passed the test!" I handed him a invisible, imaginary certificate of passing the boyfriend interrogatory.

"Aye, remember when Drake had to pass the 'boyfriend interrogation' Belle brought this up and we all started laughing. He was so stressed when I first interrogated him. I'm kind of the friend that has to put a dozen of questions when one of my best friends that I consider sisters, get a new boyfriend.

"You can be so scary sometimes" Alice stated and we were still laughing.

"Are you going out with Jason?" James asked and all my good mood was gone now.

"I was" I faked smiled, looking down trying to hide the pain.

"Why did you break up? If, I may know" he was curious.

"Well... He didn't want people to know he's going out with a nerd like me"

"You're not a nerd. But maybe is because of his friends, which are mine too. I know him well and he's always scared not to do something wrong to disappoint us, and I hate that, I want him to have his own opinions, I do, but the others not really, they want him to do mostly what they say if there is something they don't like they will make sure they fix it" James was telling me.

"I don't get it"

"What?" he asked.

"How comes you're so different from your friends? They are some assholes, sorry for insulting them, but you're not" I was surprised. He's different because his friends try to act cool and bad boys, but James doesn't, he's just being himself. That's what makes him the perfect guy for Alice.

"They are not assholes, if you get to know them better they are actually cool but they have their downs and sometimes they are assholes" he laughed a bit at the end.

Alice changed the subject and she took her cards game out of her bag.

"Who wants to play?" she shouted standing up so she could face all of us, raising the card pack up.

"Me!" all of us said at once. I love playing card games. We started playing. The first game was won by Belle, then James and then me. We didn't have time to play anymore because the bell went and it interrupted the game.

"I'm gonna take revenge" Alice said packing up everything that belonged to her.

As I went to my lesson I saw Jason alone. He saw me and he took a step forward me, wanting to come to me but then his friends Noah, Leo, Logan and Jacob appeared from behind him, pulling him with them. Jason gave me a glance, going with them. I don't think they realised he wanted to come to me. I missed him so badly.

They weren't going in the right way, they were going in the opposite way. Then I realised they weren't going to their lesson at all. Their plan was to hide somewhere until the lesson finishes and try not to get caught, like they always do when they are not in the mood for the lesson.

I hated that. Why did he had to do that. Couldn't he just go to his lesson like a normal person? Nahh... He had to do that so he would get into troubles because is cool. Then I realised that there is not point for me to care anymore. We broke up, he has he's own life and he can do whatever he wants. I need to stop and try to forget him. Exactly, why am I even stressing?

I hate to admit that to myself, but I do care, mostly because I still care about him, I never stopped. I'm afraid that if he comes back to me I'll forgive him too easily because I can't stay mad at people even if they hurt me, I always end up forgiving them even if they don't deserve it.

I watched him walking and gazing for the right place to bunk lesson. Just then I could feel someone pulling my hand. It was Belle making me to hurry up for lesson. I almost forgot she was near me.

"What you staring at? Where's your mind?" She asked confused trying to get my attention. I ignored her and began walking faster to get to class.

"World to Amelia" she uttered. "Huh? Let's go" I realized she was talking to me and I finally responded. I looked one more time behind me, and he was gone.

Ps. In the picture is Alice and James. Cute couple, right? Anyway... thank you so much readers for voting for my story, please keep voting and commenting. Thank you. Much love <3

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