Smoking Bomb and Demon

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"Ne ne Shiro-kun~ Have you heard about the transfer student in 1-B was from Italy?" A random girl suddenly asked him. He looked up from his notebook and saw a group of girls surrounding him. He sighed inwardly and wondered how the hell was he going to make these girls go away. It's not that he hates them or anything. It's just that he's a bit socially awkward whenever it comes to talking to people whom he felt that he won't get along with. Yuuichi was at basketball practice and won't come to class until the first bell rings.

"Yeah... It's a he, apparently" He politely answered them, a few shy ones behind the girl probably squealed internally seeing the fact that their shoulders were tensed and a blush was on their faces. Seriously, why would anyone have a crush on him. He had given out the unapproachable aura around him, according to his brother. Perhaps there's girls who like this kind of guy. It's quite a pity though. It's not because they're not beautiful, but because Ryuuichi wasn't interested in girls.

'I'm internally a female anyway..' But because he's currently in a male's body, he perhaps could be categorized as a homo. Who knows. He certainly doesn't. He have no interest in getting in a relationship or whatsoever anyway.

"Really??" One more thing about people approaching him, to get information. He could be named a database seeing the fact that he knows a lot of stuff, ranging from the strangest stuff to the most logical stuff. He couldn't help it that most teacher would immediately spill shits out unconsciously. Perhaps they trusted him a little too much.


The girls immediately when fantasizing, trying to imagine what kind of person the transferee is. Ryuuichi inwardly sighed. They probably wouldn't expect what kind of person Gokudera is. That sliver head was something a kin to a loyal, puppy dog. Basically, he'll bark at anyone other than the one he respect and change into a puppy whenever he was praised. Seriously even the creator of KHR had drew him with a pair of dog ears and a tail in one of the episodes.

'Smoking Bomb Hayato' He smirked. He took out his phone and went into a certain chatting site, and stared at the name 'RedBomber', who was offline at the moment. 'I'll greet you later, Yato'


Gokudera scowled. He glared at basically everyone in the classroom, as the teacher introduced him. When he was asked to say something, he ignored it and walked up towards the supposedly Tenth of Vongola. He glared at the wimp and kicked his table, surprising the living shit out of Tsuna. He tched when the teacher tried to stop him and walked up to an empty seat a few tables behind Tsuna.

He couldn't believe that he'll be serving such a weakling. Reborn had called him a week ago, telling him to come to Japan and test the brunette out. He had said that to tell him that he'll be fighting for the boss position. To be honest, he didn't want it. But Reborn had told him to so he had no choice. It wasn't everyday that the strongest hitman of the world would call you and request something from you. It was an honor to him.

For now, he'll observe the brunette before he fight him.


Tsuna couldn't believe it. He didn't know what he did to deserve such hatred from the bomber. Gokudera practically glared at him throughout the classes. Yamamoto, on the other hand, had approached him for the first time along with a few others, and said that they'll be counting on him for the volleyball tournament. He doesn't even know how to play Volleyball!! Curse Reborn for doing this.(Because he was the one who had the other reserved players fall ill)

Something told him that this isn't the only thing that the infant will do.


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