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Outside, the sun was setting. It was about 7 in the evening when Ryuuichi finally appeared again. After the morning of him going around the base to meet the others and have some small talks, he had promptly disappeared. Well, not literally. He just went out of the base to finish some business, and have a walk.

It was quite normal outside, nothing was life threatening unless you consider the flimsy members of the Millefiore that was searching for them a threat. Well, they certainly isn't. Though, for the Arcobalenos, the atmosphere outside of the base could kill them. Ryuuichi couldn't exactly feel the Tri-ni-Sette, he could feel the air around him outside the base was, shittier for the lack of better words. Though, he could only frown at it.

By the time he got back to the base, everyone had gathered in the dining room for dinner, except Yamamoto and Gokudera. Tsuna, who was helping the girls and children on setting up the table, was wondering where was the man as he did not see him after their chat in the morning when the door slid open and close. He tilted his head at the man's appearance. Ryuuichi had changed into what he had wore when they first met in this era.

"Are you going somewhere, Ryuuichi?" He asked.

Ryuuichi had a smirk plastered on his face since he first stepped into the room. He greeted them and looked towards Tsuna. "Not exactly" He looked at his wristwatch. '2 minute' His smirk got larger.

Reborn frowned. The man was planning something. He knew it. "What are you planning"

The man chuckled. Of course, the hitman would notice something. Reborn's words had brought everyone's attention onto him. 1 minute left. "Nothing in particular" He could briefly hear frantic taps of shoes before the door was slammed open behind him, startling everyone.

"H-hibari-san!!" He turned around and gave the Cloud Guardian a smile. He paid no heed at the growing horror in those grey eyes and looked back to everyone else. "Good luck. Oh and do take care of him" He gave them a large grin, hands shoved into his black trousers before pink clouds appeared, blocking their view.

Tsuna's eyes widen as his jaw dropped. 'Oh hell no' He hadn't expect what would happen and the others probably didn't either.

"Well, this is quite unexpected...." The smoke dispersed before a shorter and younger Ryuuichi in a T-shirt and below knee length shorts appeared, replacing his older self.

The younger Ryuuichi raised an eyebrow in questioning. The others one way or another had their jaw slacken, gaping at what had happened. He had just finished his shower when he was suddenly blasted into the future, which explained why his hair was wet. How did the bazooka even reached him when he was in his room with the door locked was something that he don't know, and don't want to.

"Y-younger Ryuuichi?!" He blinked at the brunette's dumbfounded voice. "Yo"

Behind him, Hibari gritted his teeth and clenched his fist tightly to the point that his knuckles had turned white.


"Wow. Just. Wow" Ryuuichi slowly said. He, Tsuna, Reborn and Hibari was in the lounge room where the brunette had brief him about the situation, not like he had no idea about it. He wasn't surprised at that but he need to fake it, somehow. He could feel worried and wary eyes on him, burning holes unintentionally. It was from Tsuna. Those brown eyes told him that he knew something. Maybe he his future self had said something.

'Curse you, me'

"So... Am I going to join the fight?" Hibari immediately answered him, making him scowl at the man. "No" Hibari had been glaring at him ever since he had appeared in this era. The man's arm were crossed, which meant that he was annoyed about something. Not a good thing because he had a hunch that the cause of his annoyance was him, or his older self as the matter of fact.

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