TYL Ryuuichi

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The dark brown and long haired man sighed. He was searching for Hibari up and down in the Vongola base for almost half and hour now. Damn the fact that the base is so big and wide. Hibari wasn't in his side where it links the Namimori Shrine and the base nor in the training rooms that he had to go. Sometimes, he wondered why were there so many of them but he remembered that the Vongola Guardians are a bunch of violent monkeys that always fight whenever something small happened. Hibari and Mukuro had almost always fight whenever they see each other, which lead to having Tsuna building more training room for his them(and the others) so whenever they meet, they would fight in the training rooms.

Otherwise, he would have a very, very long list of taxes and payments to repair, renovate and buy new furnitures to replace those which promptly had being destroyed by them (Not to forget, the others too).

Ryuuichi shook his head and sigh. After almost 10 years and they still haven't matured yet. He suddenly smiled, a little in envy. 'At least they had fun...' He remembered that when Tsuna had being shot, and 'died', the guardians whom all he cared about hadn't sport the usual brightness in them.

He, on the other hand, was cringing at the spot the brunette was hit. That would surely hurt. A lot.

Ryuuichi shuddered and forget about it. He walked into his side of the base and when into his room, only to find the door slightly ajar. He blinked and sighed. So this was where Hibari was all the time.

He pushed open the door and closed it once he was inside. He was greeted by a metal tonfa that suddenly slammed onto his door, creating a loud noise. His back hit the door and another tonfa was on his neck as the taller man loomed above him. He sweated.

"You're late" He could practically hear the venom in the man's voice. He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "Well, if you just tell me where were you I could've been here ages ago" He retorted, pouting a little. Dark brown and grey orbs met as they engaged into a staring contest, none of them backing down. The silent atmosphere around them were a little tensed until Hibari broke it.

"I heard" His sharp, low voice muttered. Hibari observed whatever was swirling in those orbs that he had frequently stared into. First was confusion, before it turned into awareness and then, nothing. The younger man had stopped whatever he was feeling. (How he stop it was a mystery to even Hibari) Ryuuichi tilted his head and asked. "So?"

"Why?" Ryuuichi could hear the silent questions. Why would he wanted to endanger his younger self? How did he know? What was he planning? All the questions that he had always heard. He paused, thinking. Indeed. Why would he? He could have just ignore whatever was happening. He could have just waited for the moment to pass. He could have not do anything.

He had been asking those questions to himself almost everytime. Ever since he was born into this world and til now, he still couldn't understand why. He just had the want to do it. Something was telling him to do all the things he had done. This time was no different. The urge that was telling him to follow it had been bugging and annoying him to the point that he couldn't sit still and be quiet.

"... Closure? Need to find answers? Instinct? I'm not sure..."

The silence came back, though this time, it was no longer tense. Hibari had known and heard his answers for many times. The fact that the man in front of him understands other people more than himself got more solid each time he heard them. The eyes, even though Hibari couldn't exactly comprehend, had practically said the same thing.

He slowly backed away, tonfa kept away. He sighed inwardly. There was no way he could stop the man from whatever he was doing once he had made up his mind. He yawned and walked towards the queen bed in the center of the room. He lied down on it. "Whoah whoah whoah! Don't tell me that you're going to sleep here?!"

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