Skull and Mammon

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The ring looked exactly like it was before, but there's this transparent blue, thing that Ryuuichi spotted after looking at it for a good whole half an hour. He was sure that it wasn't there before. A flashback of the first Arcobaleno Trial ran in his mind and he remembered. The ring was glowing the exact same time Tsuna's Guardians' rings glowed, not to mention that it was a little warm. He frowned at that.

'So does that means it will glow every time Tsuna gets a seal? Why?' No matter how much he tried to figure it out, he just couldn't find the logical answer to it. Things have been a little strange ever since he went to the future courtesy of his older self and it frustrated him to no end. He sighed and ruffled his hair to shake off a fallen leaf.

Speaking of which, why was he here again? 'Ah. Right' He was waiting for a certain pineap- blue haired teen, a prefect and a brunette's appearance, under a tree. He had been here after they went back for the day. He, after all, wanted to witness their fight, even though it would be cut short by the brunette. He yawned and rubbed his eyes, feeling tired and bored. He had nothing to do while waiting for the others but then blinked and groaned aloud. He just remembered that he had a three day span of homework left untouched.

Just thinking of it made him wanting to burn it. Despite the fact that he had really, really, wanted to do it, he wouldn't. More like he couldn't. How he was raised as a child in his past life had him to be obedient, which had him couldn't break a little small rule without overthinking and worrying. Sure, he had broke a few before, but those were when he was absolutely confident that no one would really mind about it.

He groaned again. Still, he dislike it.


He turned towards the direction of the sound of metal clashes. It was quite loud before it stopped, followed by a muffled shout. Ryuuichi smirked. They were finally here. He stood up and looked towards where they should be, and did saw them through the spaces between the trees. He crossed his arms and leg while leaning on the tree's bark. He was so going to enjoy it.

He laughed when men in black suits and helmet surrounded Hibari and Mukuro before attacking them. They clearly do not know the two's strength. And as Ryuuichi had knew, they were all defeated by the two in just merely seconds. After that, Ken and Chikusa came out.

The two and Mukuro had a little small talk before he, chased by Hibari, ran towards the forest to continue their fight. Ryuuichi blinked and eyes widen. Was if just him or were they getting closer and closer towards him. 'Shit' He quickly moved out of his place and away from the two as they begun to fight, both aware of his presence.

Hibari did knew that the teen was present, but didn't know why. But, now all he could think was on getting revenge. Mukuro, too, was well aware of him. After all, Ryuuichi was one of the people that interest him and there were only a handful of them which Mukuro deemed so. Also, he knew that the prefect was interested by him too, if not, attached seeing the fact that he had frowned upon sight.

He chuckled and dodged the incoming tonfa. "How unexpected for you to be concerned about someone" He smirked when Hibari's eyes narrowed. "He does interest me too. Can I steal him away from you?" He raised his trident just in time before the metal weapon hit his face. His lips tugged into a smirk.

Hibari growled at that. He wasn't stupid enough to fall for the taunts but he knew that he would do it if he wanted to, and Hibari do not want him to. No one, not even Satan, can take Ryuuichi out of his sight. Anyone who does that shall be bitten to death and get a bloody torture from him. "No" He snarled and deliver a harder blow.

Ryuuichi, on the other hand, had all his attention on the fight in hand. He was standing by the side, away from those two blood thirsty teens. He raised an eyebrow when he saw their lips moving and that somehow Hibari was enraged. He huffed, knew that Mukuro had said something that angered the prefect. He tensed up again at the howl of a giant Octopus and moved away quickly.

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