Third, Fourth and Fifth Key

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"What is your desire?"

"I desire understanding"

Ryuuichi snapped out of his musing and looked up to the sky. He felt a twinge in his heart. It wasn't his emotions. It was Enma. Enma was in sorrow. Ryuuichi placed a hand on his chest, just above his heart and clenched his shirt, frowning. If he didn't knew better, he would probably freak out on the fact that he could feel the red head's emotions.

It was because of the bond they had, in mafia and in friendship. The connection that was vibrating under their flames' coating was the one that prevented them from actually feeling each other's feeling. And since his flames were temporarily restrained, the coating had lessen a great margin, to the point he could actually feel them. (He realized this when he was flooded by a bunch of emotions and feelings from the three familgia's boss all at once. Dino's was the faintest, but it was there. Tsuna and Enma's pulsated the hardest. No doubt, it would be worst later on.)

He sighed inaudibly, pushing the emotions down. He felt as though he was invading Enma's privacy. (He had a hunch that years later, not only he himself but the others as well, could strongly feel each other through their bonds. The perks of flames, huh)

"Let's take some rest on top of the hill" Gokudera suggested. They had been walking up and down for quite a while anyway. No doubt they were all tired.

Tsuna agreed, silently relief that the bomber suggested that. If he didn't, he might just collapse. Just as they reached the hill top, Tsuna spotted a town. It didn't really take them long to immediately went down.

"Seems like no one's here..." Ryuuichi glanced around warily. He didn't exactly liked abandoned town or buildings. It just creeps him out. A lot. He kept walking, not really focusing on the others as all his attention was on the houses and all. One of the houses caught his interest, as he made a beeline to it.

This particular house doesn't seemed like the others. It looked similar though, but it was the vibe that this house gave off. He scanned the house, totally oblivious to the fact that Tsuna and Gokudera spotted Shitt P. He then noticed the name plate on it, and touched it gently.

'Now that I think about it... This Island was inhabited by Cozart when he and his family left Italy...' He absentmindedly caressed black name plate, name of who, he couldn't recognize. He wasn't exactly sure of the timeline and all, but he was certain that Shimon Family left Italy earlier than Vongola Primo. Does that mean Giotto had met up with Cozart after the man himself left Italy too? Or they didn't.

"Rocket Bomb! Version X!" He snapped out if and turned around, to see dynamites flying towards Shitt P. He sweated lightly and quickly started his Sight. He seriously need to stop spacing out and tuned the world off.

Those bombs were improved, in the aspect of speed and power. Somehow the speck and shape changed too. Ryuuichi was sure that it would cause fatal injuries if anyone was to hit directly by it. Though, the girl wasn't even fazed by it. Either she knew of the improvement and knew she could escape from it, or she didn't.

"So cute, Gokudera-kun. You're really weak" She lit up her ring and eight claw like legs appeared from her back. All of the legs shot something towards the dynamites. Gokudera was surprised when his dynamites not only diffused, but melted too. She then unarmed herself and charged towards the bomber, hugging him.

"You're warm, Gokudera-kun. Warm warm (Naive)." The bomber yelled at her, but she didn't detached herself as she continued to speak. "However, Gokudera-kun. Living cozily with others is a proof of your weakness. Saying that for people and for Juudaime is just an excuse of your reason to live. You're relying on others because you're not confident in yourself. At this rate, if you lose Juudaime, you have no reason to live and become like a corpse.

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