Suicidal Attempts

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"D-drake?" He stumbled towards Ryuuichi, and knelt to his eye level. His heart leaped in happiness when Ryuuichi nodded, the chat box that was on his phone was more than enough to be the proof. He immediately pounced teen, surprising the hell out of Ryuuichi, and secretly Reborn, not like the prideful hitman would admit.

"Where the hell have you been!!! I've been trying to contact you for 6 bloody months you know!!" He hugged him tightly, not letting go. He felt a hand patting his back. "Sorry... I'll try to make it up to you later, but first..." Gokudera slowly let go of him, and turned towards Reborn, who was watching their supposedly reunion with dead eyes, clearly not interested at it currently.

He felt his cheeks heated up in embarrassment. "I'm sorry, Reborn-san" He sat down beside Ryuuichi.

"Now answer me, Ryuuichi" The said teen chuckled at the impatient tone. "Right right, well, this is actually the first time I met Gokudera in flesh." He lightly slapped the bomber at the back "We knew each other on a chatting website actually." It's true, he did knew Gokudera on a chatting website. The bomber himself had approached him one day when he was online, asking for advice. He was considered a counselor on the website so pretty much a lot of people asked advice from him everyday. When he saw the message from the bomber, he immediately knew it was him since his username basically gave it all away.

Though, he didn't mention that he actually know Gokudera even if he didn't approach him. He smiled at the hitman "Does that answer your questions?"

Reborn was frustrated. The teen did answered him. But he could tell there's something more than that. He also knew that it's futile to force the answer out because he certainly won't say it. He doesn't want to admit it but torturing, physically or mentally, won't work on him. He could tell that the teen's mental strength is higher than most people expected. Not much choice, he nodded. "Ah"


Gokudera couldn't believed it. He pinched himself for the nth time, and it hurts. It actually hurts. He wasn't dreaming. He was really with Drake.

Gokudera had first approached him when he was almost giving up on his life. And then, he accidentally stumbled upon the chatting site, more specifically, Drake's profile on the chatting site. His profile didn't say much, except that he would lend a listening ear(Eyes) and give advice to anyone. He hesitated. He wondered should he really talk to this guy that he doesn't even know. He wondered if it's ok to open up to him.

After consideration, he made an account on that site. He then sent a message to Drake. And slowly, after time passed, they got closer, too close to be considered as a counselor and someone who need counseling. It became friendship. And to the point that even Drake knows his real name, and had called him Yato. He had became his light. Even though Drake never reveal anything about himself, nor his problem, he felt that he could trust him.

And then, he disappeared. 6 months ago, Drake suddenly stopped going on the website. He had stopped answering him. Gokudera was devastated. He tried so hard to find him on the internet, because he remembered that Drake once told him that he basically have an account on every single English social media, but the internet world was too big. No matter what, he couldn't track him down. His light suddenly disappeared.

Now, he's right there, in flesh and blood, not digitally. He felt like crying for the second time that day.

The first was when Juudaime had saved him. For the first time in 6 months, he felt the light. The same type of light that Drake had given him. He wanted to cry, but didn't. He did not wanted to look like a wimp in front of Juudaime.

Gokudera suddenly realized that he had two lights in his life now. Drake, the light that supports him mentally. And Juudaime, the light that supports him physically.

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