Coronation ceremony pt 2

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Bella POV

Well, it's 2 days left until the coronation ceremony and I can't wait. Alec and I have been spending as much time as possible these last few days. Jane has been busy with planning everything. Tomorrow I will be spending from 5am to around 9pm meeting vampires, then I'll be able to spend some time with Alec before the ceremony.

Right now I'm in mine and Alec room waiting for him to get out of the shower. I picked up my brand new copy of Wuthering heights and started to read it again while waiting. I was halfway through the book when the bathroom door opened and Alec came out in his boxes with no top on and ran straight at me. Swooped me off the couch in our room and onto the bed were he got on top of me, threw the book on the ground and started kissing me with so passion. We spent the rest of the night doing this and other things as well.

                   The next day

Alec and I were just laying on our bed when the door suddenly burst open and Jane comes running in with a huge smile on her face and I know that smile all to well.... She is up to something.

"Come one Bella we have an hour to get you ready for your meeting with the vampires." Jane said, excited to get to dress me up. I groaned and gave Alec a quick kiss before following Jane out the door and into Jane's chamber.

She pushed me into the bathroom the sat me on a chair where I just closed my eyes and let Jane do what she has to do. I know tomorrow will be even busier and more time Jane will spend doing my hair and makeup.

                  55 mins later

"Alright Bella, your hair and makeup is done. Let's get you into your clothes for the day." Jane said and handed me my clothes then walked out of the bathroom.

I put on the fishnet stockings first then the skirt, the crop top and lastly the black high hills. I would out of the bathroom and looked in the full length mirror and I looked pretty amazing.

Just when I was about to walk out to get the guest Alec walked in and asked Jane to leave so that we could talk. He walked over to me when Jane left and gave me a passionate kiss. We continued to kiss when all too soon Alec pulled away and chuckled at the look I gave him for pulling away to soon.

He let go of my hand and got down in one knee. I gasped when he pulled out a beautiful ring (the photo is of the ring). I stopped breathing all together.

"Isabella Marie Volturi, when I look into your eyes, I can see a reflection of the two of us and the life we will share together. When I think about you, I know that no one else will ever hold my cold, dead heart the way you do. I promise you, no one will work harder to male you happy or cherish you more than me. Will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?" He asked, with a huge smile and I know that if I was still human I would be crying.

"YES,YES YES YES" I shout. He gets up off his knees a pulls me into a passionate kiss while slipping the ring on my finger.

After a couple of minutes I reluctantly pull away. " sorry babe, but I've got to get down to the thrown room, we can continue this later."I give him on last Peck on the lips before running down to the thrown room with a massive smile on my face.

I enter the thrown room to see Aro, Caius and Marcus sitting in their seats and in between Aro and Marcus is a seat for me. Aro, Marcus and Caius get off their seats and come down to give me a quick hug. Aro notice the huge smile on my face a ask what am I smiling about.

"Well Aro, Caius and Marcus, Alec proposed to me" I squealed and was pulled into a big hug from Aro, when Aro let go Caius gets me into a huge hug the Marcus does.

"Congratulates Bella" Aro, Marcus and Caius tell me I smile and tell them Thankyou before the human helper pets n comes in and tells us that the Denali coven has arrived. We take our seats and wait for them to enter.

About 2mins later the door opens and the Denali coven come in and the lady's courtesy and the men bow.

"Welcome Denali coven to Volterra."Aro tells them, that's when I notice that they have golden eyes like me.

"Thankyou Aro, it is a pleasure to come and meet the new queen." A girl with strawberry blonde hair says and I assume she is the leader.

I get up and walk down the few steps to where the Denali are and stop in front of the leader. "My name is Isabella Volturi but you can call me Bella." I hold my had out for her to shake and she shakes it and tells her name. I continue down the line and when I'm done I sit back down. "It is a pleasure to meet you all. I hope you enjoy your stay, I'll now get on of the guards to show you to you rooms."

The day continued just like that till finally we were done and I went to find Alec and spent the night doing things with him.


                 The next day


Jane cane in at around 7ish and kicked Alec out of his and mine room so she could get me ready. I'll see Alec before the ceremony because he is going to walk me in and to where my seat is.

After hours of Jane doing my hair and makeup see let's me go and get change in my dress. After I was changed I put on my black pumps and walked out of the bathroom to find Alec standing in the room in a nice black suite. He looked up at me and his eyes nearly popped out of his head.

"Bells, you look amazing your hair and everything."he said, I smiled and looked in a the full length mirror and smiled. Jane had put a little of makeup on me and had braided my hair but then twisted it up into a bun and left two bits out and curled them.

Alec walked over to me pecked me on the lips quickly before saying that we had to go before it got to late. We held hand and ran down into the hallway that had the doors that led into the thrown room it was all quite so I guess it was the to go in.

Alec put my hand around his elbow and bend his hand and put it up against his stomach before the doors open and we were walking in.

All around us were vampires and guards smiling and a the end was Aro, Marcus and Caius. Marcus and Caius were sitting in their thrones but Aro was standing at the bottom of the stairs waiting for me.

I got to were Aro was and let go of Alec and grabbed Aro hand where he helped me up the stairs and to my thrown.

I had to repeat after what Aro said the Caius came and put a crown on my head and Marcus gave me a special ring that only the leaders of the vampires have.

I stood up and waited for Alec to talk.

"I now present to you Isabella Marie Volturi the queen and our kings, Aro, Marcus and Caius Volturi." Alec announced and everyone clapped and cheered.

We stayed in the thrown room for about 5mins before moving out into the garden. The garden was beautiful, Jane and the others done a good job setting things up.

Blood was pasted around and I was pulled into hugs and congrats was said. We stayed out in the garden celebrating until Alec came and pulled me into our bedroom where we had more fun. Now all of what was left was to prepare a wedding and get married.


Hey guys, I'm sorry I haven't updated on a bit, the internet stuffed up and we needed a new motor. I hope yous are enjoying the book, plz ignore any mistakes I have made. Tell me if you want me to add anything in the book.
Anyway I'm going to sleep now since it is 10:15pm here and I have school tomorrow. Goodnight.
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