Chapter 10

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I was sitting at my desk in the library reading Bella's favourite book 'Wuthering Heights' when the door opened and Jane walked in.

"Master, I just received some news, there seems to be some newborn vampires attacking humans in Washington DC." Jane hurriedly said.

"Ok Jane, what towns or cities ate they in?" I questioned.

"They seem to be in Seattle, Port Angeles and there was a body found on the side of the road, just outside of Forks, this morning". Jane told me. I sat there for a moment thinking of whether or not to send some guards. After a couple of minutes I decided it was best to send some guards to kill them before it gets out of control and before any vampire questions why we haven't stepped in. I was just going to send Jane, Demetri, Felix, Alec, Bella and some guards.

" Alright Jane, Demetri, Felix, Alec, Bella, some guards and you are going to go and kill them before they get out of control, now off you go." I told her and she ran out to let everyone know.

As I was sitting there I was thinking and hoping that the Cullen's weren't anywhere near Forks, Seattle and Port Angeles. Bella has become a big part of the Volturi and has made everyone laugh and smile a lot more. I just hope if she does run into them, then she will still decide to come back and stay, and not go back with them.

Bella POV

Jane had just bursted in and told Alec and I that we will be going to Washington DC to kill some newborns before the problem gets out of control. She didn't exactly tell us what town or city but she will most likely do that on the jet over there. I was pulled out of my thoughts by Alec asking me if I was ready.

" Yes husband, I'm ready, let's go before Jane comes barging in and drags us out of here." We both laugh knowing she would do that again, like lat time.


Alec and I were sitting on our bed, just enjoying each other company when the door burst open and Jane was standing there.

" we have a mission to go on, you have 5 mins to pack and be out by the jet" and with that she was gone.

Alec and I got straight to work and was done within a minute. We looked at each other then started kissing. We lost track of time and the next thing we knew, Jane had our bags over her shoulders and was dragging us outside by the ear.

End of flashback

That memory was still fresh in my mind from last year. We were outside now and just waiting for everyone else. I looked at Alec and Alec looked at me. We smiled at each other then started having a heated kiss. This went on for about 2 mins before we heard a throat clearing.

We pulled apart immediately and looked at everyone who had massive smiles on their and I knew I would be blushing if I could. I looked at Alec and he had a smile on his face. Everyone was looking at Alec and I so to get the attention off me I pick up my bag, and started walking to the jet. I looked over my shoulder and called

" Are you guys coming?"


30 mins later


Jane POV

We were on the jet going to Seattle and we were still a couple of hours away. I decided that now was the time to tell everyone the mission.

"Alright everyone, there are newborns who are killing humans and are just leaving them laying around, the bodies have been found in Seattle, Port Angeles and Forks. We will be going to all these places until we find them, any questions?" I asked.

" So the newborns are going just to those 3 places?" Asked Demetri.

"That's what it seems" I answered.

" Ok" Bella said.

"Alright, when we land we will go to a house the Volturi has sent up and stay there the night." I said.


The next day


Bella POV

We left the house at 4am to start looking. We checked all the woofs around Seattle, just when we were about to give up and head to Port Angeles, Demetri picked up a few vampire scents. We tracked them all the way to Port Angeles when suddenly the scents went in all different directions.

"Wtf" yelled Demetri.

"Which way do we go?"I asked.

"We should split up, the guards go left and the rest of us right."Jane said, we all nodded and split up.

After about a couple of hours running we were about to turn back and try again tomorrow when we found a clearing. We were looking around when the guards came in from the left.

Demetri suddenly started running straight ahead and we followed. We stopped about 3ks from Forks and came into a clearing full of about 10 newborns, who by the looks of it has just finished having a snack. They all took protective stanch and looked like they were about to fight.

Well it looks like were going to have to fight them.


Here you go!!! Hope you like it and enjoy it. The next update is either tomorrow or next week some time, but I should be able to do another update tomorrow.
Picture is of the house they are staying in.

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