Chapter 31 part 1

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Jane POV

When Edward kissed me it was like sparks flying through me. I have never experienced anything like that before, it was amazing.

Edward pulled out of the kiss first and ran off. I was too shocked and confused to be honest and I didn't chase after him, but now I wished I did.

I slowly walked back to the castle and I ran up to Bella's room, wanting to talk to her about it. But when I got up there, she wasn't there. I really needed to talk to someone so I went to the next person I could think of, Hedi.

I ran straight to her room. I didn't bother to knock, this was more important than knocking. When I opened the door, I saw Hedi sitting on the bed, reading a book. Her head snapped up when the door opened.

"What's wrong Jane?" She asked in her worried voice.

"I was out hunting and I smelt another vampire in the area, so I went to check it out and it was only Edward Cullen. Anyway, I was being stupid and I was walking towards him swaying my hips when he grabbed them and kissed me. When he kissed me, I felt sparks fly through me. What does this mean?" I say in such a rush. Her eyes widen for a second before she answers my question.

"I think that Edward is your mate. I know that when I first kissed Felix for the first time, I felt the exact same way. Like I wanted him to be near me every second and I still do. Do you feel like that?"

"Yes. I want him to wrap his arms around me and hold me to his chest." She nodded her head and I knew that meant that I had found my mate.

I thanked her before walking out of the room and headed up to my room. I didn't know what to do. Edward Cullen had just kissed me. Me. Put of every vampire in the place, he chose me. 

When I made it too my bedroom, I lay down on the bed and tired to get the kiss out of my head. Nothing worked. I tired to take a shower, reading even doing new hair styles and I still couldn't get the kiss out of my head. I gave up and decided that I would go and find Edward and talk to him about this whole mating thing.

Edward POV

After I smashed my lips to Jane's, my brain went crazy. The kiss lasted about a minute before I pulled away and ran. I didn't know where I was running to but I was running somewhere.

I ended up and some old run down house in the middle of the woods. I decided to stay here for a little bit and sort out my head.

When I kissed her, sparks flew through my body and all I want to do is hold her close and make sure no harm comes towards her.

I have never felt these feelings before. Not even with Bella. I decided that it would be best that I ran back to the castle and talk to Carlisle and Esme. I got up off the ground and ran back towards the castle.

It took me only 15 minutes to teach the castle and another 2 minutes before I was at our guest room door. I opened the door and saw my whole family there looking worried. When I opened the door, they all looked at me.

"Carlisle, Esme, can I please talk to you?" I asked, breaking the silence.

They nodded and followed me out the door. I ran into the garden, hoping no one was there. Luck was on my side, it was completely empty. I turned and looked at my mum and dad. They both has worried looks on.

I told them everything that happened. From Alice having a vision, to going hunting, to kissing Jane and finally feeling. As I told them, they grew less concerned and when I told them my feelings, they both had massive smiles on their faces.

"Son, you have found your self a mate." Carlisle told me. I shook my head at him.

"Bella is MY mate. Not Jane." Esme smiled at looked at Carlisle before turning to me.

"Edward, Bella is your singer. Your attracted to her 'blood' when she was human. But now that she is a vampire, you don't feel anything for her. Except that she is your friend. Jane, on the other hand, your attracted to her because she is your mate, you feel the mating pull." Esme explained gently.

After processing thing information, I realized that it was true. Bella is just a friend and Jane is mate. I love Jane.

Just as I processed all this, the doors opened that led to the garden and Jane walked out. She locked eyes with me and I read her mind. She wanted to talk. Carlisle and Esme must of guessed this and smiled warmly at us as they went back inside.

"Hey." Jane broke the silence that had been going ton for 10 minutes.

"Hey." I replied back.

"I was talking to Hedi about my feelings when you kissed me and after thinking and talking, I realized that I have feelings for you." Jane explained in an rush.

"I have feelings for you too. And after talking to Carlisle and Esme, I think we are mates." She nods her head in agreement and we kiss passionately.


Hey everyone,
So early update. I know I said the book was supposed to be finishing in a chapter or two but that didn't really work out. But it is coming to an end.

Enjoy, vote and comment


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