Chapter 26

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Alec POV

I turned around and listened for Maria. She wasn't that far away, maybe another 3 minutes or so. While I waited I thought of what Bella would do. Would she divorce me and leave the Volturi? Would she divorce me and make me leave the Volturi? Or would she divorce me and tell the Volturi what I had done and let them deal with me? There was so many things she could do but one thing I am sure of is that she will divorce me. I'm just hoping that she and the Volturi will let me live.

I got snapped out of my thoughts by Maria clapping her hands in front of my face and giving me a worried look.

"Is everything okay? You seemed lost in your thoughts." She asked worriedly.

"Everything is okay. I was just thinking of what Bella would do when I get back to the castle." I soothed her worried ness.

She nodded, before saying, "what do we do now?"

"Well, we're going to give her the night to cool off. Then in the morning I'm going to head to the castle and sort everything out and find out if I still had a place in the guard."

"Hold on, you mean you could use your place because of me."

"Not because of you no. It may be to hard for Bella if we live there so I might not still be with the guard." I explained to her. She nodded her head.

"Now, come on. Let's go somewhere for the night." I told her after leading the way to a cabin.

Bella POV

I ran all the way back to the castle. I knew that Alec wasn't following me and for that I was thankful. I was heart broken that he had fallen out of love with me and had found his mate. If he had followed me, I'm sure I would have killed him by how heart broken I am.

I was also determined. I was determined to kill Victoria and her army. Finding out that Alec didn't love me anymore made me more determined to kill.

I made it back to the castle and just ran past everyone into the training room, where I knew I could let off some steam. As I was heading to the training room, I passed by Carlisle and Esme but completely ignored them. I got to the training room and asked for 15 newborns.

As I fought them I could tell that there was 2 vampires watching me. When I turned quickly and looked I saw Carlisle and Esme there with shocked faces on.

When I finished and walked out they were still standing there with shocked faces and wide eyes. I just smirked at them and started to walk away. I could hear them trying to catch up with me, so I stopped and waited. If this was someone else than I would keep going but Carlisle and Esme are like my second parents and I never really blamed them after they left.

They caught up quickly and started to walk beside me as I head up to my room.

"Wow Bella, where did you learn to fight like that?" Carlisle asked in amazement.

"I train a lot." I replied, shrugging it off.

"We could tell." Esme responded before adding "is everything alright dear? You were running pretty fast in the halls and looked like you were ready to kill someone"

"I'm fine, I guess." Esme and Carlisle gave me this look and I knew they knew I was lying.

"Now Bella, you may be a vampire but you are still terrible at lying, so why don't you tell us what's up?" Esme gently scolded.

We had just reached my room so I let them in and they sat on the couch while I sat on the other couch. I knew I wasn't going to get out of this so I decided to just tell them.

"I caught Alec cheating on me." They gasped and Esme immediately got up and gave me a hug.

"We're so sorry Bella."Carlisle said in sympathy.

"Thankyou. He found his mate. It was going to happen sooner or later." They nodded in agreement."anyway, I've got paper work to do and if you don't mind I'll like to be alone. And please don't tell anyone about Alec yet." I added. They nodded before giving me a quick hug and leaving. I got straight up and started doing some paper work.


Hey guys,

So here is a longish chapter. I won't be updating again until next week sometime. So I've officially just decided to update once week instead of trying to update twice a week. Sometimes if I don't update one week then I'll update twice. The reason why I'm only updating once a week is because I have started work. Anyway, happy reading.

Enjoy, vote and comment


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