Chapter 21

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Dedicated to lesbihonests
Tanya POV

We had just arrived in Volterra after 4 long hours of running. We ran through the streets since it was just after midnight and no one would see us, well beside the guards that are scattered around the city but as long as humans didn't see us, then we are fine.

We reached the Volturi castle where 1 of the guards were waiting for us. I assume that either Bella or Alec had called and told them that we were on our way here. We walked up to the guard who smiled at us before saying

"Welcome to Italy. The Masters would like it if you could follow me into the castle and into the thrown room where the Masters will be waiting to greet you."

We all nodded and followed him into the castle. As we were being lead to the thrown room, we were looking at everything we went passed and you could see how much Bella had changed the castle, from having an only men touch, to now having women touch. It had more colour then before, more pictures and more girly stuff but not much, just enough.

We arrived at the thrown room and the guard asked us to stay here while he went and told the Masters that we had arrived. After a minute he came back out and told us we could go in. We walked in and Aro immediately came to us and gave us a bone crushing hugs while saying

"Welcome back Denali's, it's so good to see you guys. Thankyou so much for helping us, we appreciated it. It has been what, 2 years since you came here. You need to visit more but it is good to have you guys here."

Marcus and Caius nodded their heads as the too came to gives us bone crushing hugs.

"Thankyou guys, it's good to be back. We will be visiting a lot more but for the last 2 years we have been really busy. We are glad to be able to help you guys out. I would do anything to protect Bella from harm." I said, the others agreeing with me.

"Well it is good to hear that." Marcus said, turning around and sitting back in his thrown, the other two following.

"It is good that Bella has such good friends. I do have a question though, did Bella tell you about the Cullen's showing up?" Caius asked.

"About how they showed up here? Yeah she did." Irina snarled out, barley containing her angry.

"Well then you guys know, I don't think there is anything else to tell you. I will send some guards to take you up to the room that you guys will be staying in. Also, if you run into the Cullen's, please don't kill them, we need there help." Aro told us. We nodded and followed a guard out the door.

Edward POV

I was walking past the thrown room when I heard Tanya talking. I froze for a minute before quickly walking around the corner and listening in. When Caius told the Denali's about us, I was shocked when I heard Irina snarl. I didn't know what to do. I did the first thing I could think of and that was to tell Carlisle what I heard. I ran back and pushed open the door. I gathered everyone up in the living room.

"Edward, what's wrong?" Esme asked me.

I told them everything that I heard and they were all shocked.

"Edward, I'm sure that whatever is going on has nothing to do with us. I'm sure Irina was just having a bad day and she snarled by accident." Carlisle tried to reason but I didn't believe him.

"Carlisle, if that is the case, then how come we haven't heard any thing from the Denali's in 2 centuries? I mean, we call, email and text them but never get a reply back." Rose obviously didn't believe him either, with what she said.

"She has a point." Jasper agreed with Rose. Very slowly everyone except Esme and Carlisle were agreeing with what Rose said.  

"Ok, we all have our different opinions and I don't know what to believe. So, how about this, tomorrow we will approach the Denali's and see how they react and speck to us. IF they are nice, then we know that Edward was wrong and they were most likely just really busy. IF they are mean, then Edward was right and we need to work out what we done to them and fix it." Esme declared, leaving no room for any objections. We all nodded our heads.

"Alright, I want everyone to spend the rest of the night hunting. Everyone needs to. I don't want anyone here until after 7am." Carlisle told everyone.

We all got up and ran into the woods. My thoughts were on Bella and wondering when she was getting back. I miss her and want her here to make it up to her, for leaving and breaking her trust.


Hey guys, I'm so sorry for not updating when I planned to, but here it is. I hope you enjoyed. I know it is short bit I'm so tired and really couldn't bring myself to make a long chapter, I had major trouble trying to keep my eyes open to write this chapter. For those of you who read my other book, I will be updating tomorrow some time.


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