Chapter 30

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Bella POV
3 days later

The fight ended 3 days ago and everything has been calm since. Most of the covens and nomads have left. They only ones that remained are the Cullen's and Anderson coven. I know the Anderson's are leaving today but I'm not sure when the Cullen's are leaving.

I was about to go and say my goodbyes to the Anderson's when there was a knock on the door. I opened the door and Marcus was standing there.

"Bella, I didn't disturb you, did I?" Marcus asked when I opened the door.

"Not really. I was just about to say my goodbyes to the Anderson's." I replied after I let him in.

"Oh OK. I can come back later if you like?" Marcus says and heads towards the door.

I suddenly had this feeling to want him close to me. To have him hold me and keep me safe. To smash my lips against his sexy ones.

He reached the door and looked at me. As if asking if I wanted him to come back later. I nodded at him and he left.

I sat on the bed and got lost on thought. I could feel this pull towards him and just wanted him near me. I was so confused.

Alice POV

I was laying in the bed the Volturi provided for us. Jazz had gone hunting with Emmett and Rose. It was just Edward and I in the guest room. Carlisle and Esme were taking a walk around the garden. I was suddenly pulled into a vision.


The boys were all dressed up in suits and us girls were in dresses. Edward was standing up the front next to the celebrant.

Bella was sitting behind us and next to Marcus, Aro and Caius. Alec was next to Caius and Maria was next to Alec. There was also a few members from the guard here.

Music started to play and everyone stood up. Jane came walking down the isle and straight to Edward.

End of vision

I blinked my eyes and when I came back into the present Edward was staring at me with wide eyes.

"That can't be true. I'm Bella's mate. Not Jane's." Edward growls and starts to pace.

"Edward calm down." I step in front of him which makes him stop.

"CALM DOWN" Edward shouts. He takes a deep breath to calm himself down before he speaks again." You just had a vision about Jane and I getting married and you expect me to just be fine with it? " he says before walking out. I'm guessing to calm down.

Edward POV

I walked out of the room to try and cool down. I walked down the hallways turning randomly until I bumped into Angela.

"Hi Edward. You haven't seen Bella have you?" Angela asked. I shook my head.

"Sorry no. She might be in her room." I told her then added " I probably won't see you before you leave, so I guess goodbye and I'll see you next time." I waved goodbye and continued talking.

I walked outside and started to run into the forest. I figured some hunting will help calm me down and make sense of everything.

After running for about an hour and when I was far away from the humans, I let my self go and my body take over. I smelt a mountain lion not to far away and went after it.

Just as I had finished the mountain lion and was about to go for some deer near by I heard a chuckle. I turned to see Jane standing there with an disgusted look on her face. I raised my eyebrow in question.

"I was out looking for some humans to feed on when I smelt your scent and came to see what you are doing out in the woods." Jane said, then added. "But seeing you hunting has answered my question and I've gotta admit, you look sexy."

I have never noticed before now but Jane is sexy. I feel this pull towards her that I never felt with Bella.

Jane started to walk towards me and with her swaying her hips and looking at me seductively, I grabbed her hips and smashed my lips against hers.

Bella POV

After saying goodbye to the Anderson's and seeing them out along with Aro, Caius and Marcus. I decided that I needed to talk to Marcus about the feelings I am feeling now for him. I pulled him into my sound proof office.

"Marcus, I have these feelings for you that I have never experienced before. Not even with Edward or Alec. I have this connection with you and a feeling that whenever your not around, I feel empty. I'm 99.9999999999 percent sure that I love you Marcus Volturi." I poured my heart out to him and before he could react or say anything, I kissed him.


Hey everyone,
I'm sorry it took me so long to update. I have 3 exams this week and I only have 3 weeks left of term before I have 2 weeks break. I should be able to update more than..

Anyway, enjoy, vote and comment.


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