Chapter 12

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It has been 2 centuries since I have left Bella. I regret it everyday, I should have stayed with her instead of  leaving her. If I could go back in time and change everything I would, but I know I  can't. I haven't been the same since leaving her, I can't stand to be around my family for to long. I have hardly seen them.

Right now, I'm on my way to Forks Washington, my family have moved back there and Alice has been bugging me to come and visit. It has been just over a decade since I have seen them.

I'm driving up the drive way to get to the house when I start hearing their thoughts.

I can't wait for Edward to hurry up and get here, I can hear the car now, hey Edward- Alice thoughts

I wonder if Edward will want to help me prank everyone.- Emmett thoughts

Wow, everyone's emotions are making me jump up and down, geez. HURRY UP EDWARD, I KNOW YOU ARE LISTENING.- Jasper thoughts

I wish Jasper and Alice will stop jumping up and down, it's driving me insane. I'm excited to see Edward as well but hell, do you see me jumping up and down... No- Rosalie thoughts

I can't wait to see my favourite and oldest son again. I have been very worried about him since he left Bella, I hope he decides to stay longer than a week. I have missed him a lot- Esme thoughts

I hope Edward stays a little longer than usually, I have missed him, it just isn't the same without him anymore. I know it will make Esme happy and everyone else, including me. I have been really worried about him. I can't wait to have the family whole again... Well almost whole, were just missing Bella.- Carlisle thoughts

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