Chapter 31 part 2

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Bella POV

I was standing in my room after the kiss with Marcus. I felt like melting into his arms and never moving. After standing in front of the mirror for at least half an hour there was a knock at the door. I walked to the door and was surprised at who I saw stand there, Edward.

"Hey." I said

"Hi. Sorry for disrupting you." He apologize.

"I wasn't doing anything." I replied inviting him in.

"I just wanted to apologized for the way I have been acting over the past couple minutes of weeks. I was so stupid. I thought you were my mate but I was wrong." He said in one breath. I was about to talk when he started to talk again. "I also wanted to apologized for the way I acted when I was leaving. I only said those things because I knew that you wouldn't follow me if I said those things. I'm really sorry Bella."

"I forgive you. We all make mistakes. I understand." I really did understand and forgive him for everything he did.

"Thank you Bella. I also wanted to tell you that I found my true mate. You know her very well. Jane Volturi." He smiled as he said her name.

"Congrats Edward." I pulled him into a hug. Just as we pulled away, he got a text message.

"Sorry I gotta go. Family meeting by the looks of the message from Esme." He said.

"Of course. Tell them all I said hi and that I forgive them." He nodded and ran out the door.

I went and sat on the couch in my room with a book in my hand, hoping to get a bit of readying done and to have some peace and quite after all the excitement from the past few weeks. That ended through when Jane came running through my bedroom door and jumped on me.

"Someone's excited." I said with a smirk.

"I found my mate Bella." She screamed so loud that I swear the while of the Volturi could hear her.

"I know." I said while laughing.

"How do you know?" She asked. Her excitement contained for now anyway.

"Edward came to see me and apologized for everything that has happened and he also told me about finding his mate and now we are friends." I explained to her.

"What about you and Marcus??? And don't try to deny it Bella. I know that you have feelings for him and he has feelings for you." She said sternly.

"Well after we had said goodbye to the Anderson's, I pulled him into my sound proof office and told him how much I loved him and then I kissed him." I told her honestly. I knew that if I was still human then I would be blushing like crazy.

"OMG BELLA" Jane said screaming. "What was his reaction???"

"He kissed me back then just as he was about to say something, his phone went off. He was needed in the thrown room." I told her sadly.

"I'm sure that when he is done in the thrown room he will come and see you. In the mean time, I need a shopping partner." She hinted. I laughed and grabbed my bag, following her out the door.

Marcus POV

I was not happy when Aro paged me into the thrown room. I stormed into the thrown to see what the matter was. As soon as in walked in there, I saw a newborn vampire. She had short brown hair. I didn't know what she did yet but obviously it wasn't something good if she was trying to fight off our top guards.

I took a seat beside Aro and put my hand on top of his as Caius done the same to Aro's other hand.

"What did she do?" I asked in Aro's mind.

"She was very close to exposing us to human kind and she killed in the city." As Aro said that, Caius and I gave her a hard glare and let go of Aro's hand.

"Now now. What should we do with you?" Aro asked in his 'king' voice.

"Just let me go please. It won't happen again." She pleaded.

"We can't do that. What's your name?" Aro questioned.

"Sara." She replied. She finely gave up on trying to get away and just stood there.

"Well Sara, I'm afraid that I'm going to have to kill you. What you did was wrong." Before she could reply, she was dead.

"You know what to do with the body." Caius said to the guards. The nodded and left.

"So, how are things with you and Bella?" Caius asked with a smirk.

"She pulled me into her office where she told me she loved me and kissed me. Just as I was about to tell her I loved her too, I was called here." I glared a little at Aro.

"Well, why are you still here? Go and get your girl." Caius demanded. I got up and ran out if the thrown room.

Half way there, I bumped into another vampire. I didn't bother to apologize, I just wanted to get to Bella. As I was  trying to move around the vampire, the vampire stopped me.

"Marcus, can I talk to you for a second?" I focused my attention in the vampire. It was Edward.

"What do you want boy? I have somewhere to be." I snapped at him.

"I just wanted to tell you that I apologized to Bella for everything and that I have found my soul mate in Jane." He said.

"I'm glad you apologized to Bella. And congrats on finding your mate. Jane us someone special to all if us, don't hurt her." I told him. Then added "if you would excuse me, I was just off to see Bella." As I went to leave, Edward stopped me again.

"Bella went with Jane shopping." He told me. I nodded and continued onto Bella's room, an idea forming in my head.

Bella POV
Volturi castle

I had just finished shopping with Jane and we had gone our separate ways. She was going to see Edward and I was going to my room to put everything away then going to find Marcus.

As soon as I walked into my room, I was pushed up against the wall and lips were smashed against mine. I knew those lips anywhere, they belonged to the one and only Marcus Volturi. I immediately kissed him back. After a couple of minutes, he pulled away.

"Isabella Marie Swan-Volturi, I have always loved you. All though I didn't know it at first, I do now. It kills me every time that you aren't near me, I just want to have you by my side at all times. Will you be my girlfriend?"

I looked at him and without answering, I jumped onto him and nodded my head before kissing him passionately. I knew that I was going to spend the rest of my existence with Marcus Volturi and I'm always going to be happy no matter what.


The end

Hey guys,

So this is the end of Isabella Marie Volturi. I hope you enjoyed the book. I know that I enjoyed writing the book.

I would like to thank everyone who has read the book but a special thanks goes to CriminalBones. She has become my sister and friend for life. Go and check out her twilight fanfics. 'A new Cullen sister.'

Also, thank you to saraaac19 for letting me chuck her in this chapter as Sara.

Enjoy, vote and comment


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