Chapter 27 part 2

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Alec POV

When Bella walked out of the room, I thought things through. If I were to stay with the Volturi, they wouldn't let Maria stay because of her history.

If I leave, we could leave happily. I do love the Volturi but I think it is time for a change. I raced down to the thrown room before Bella says anything and tell them myself. I entered just in time, too.

Bella POV

I was about to tell the Volturi everything but I got interrupted by Alec walking into the room. I gave him a puzzling look but before I could say anything, Alec spoke up.

"Bella, I would like to tell the Volturi myself." I nodded before stepping to the side and letting Alec talk.

He told them everything. He left nothing out. He didn't lie. By the end of it, all the kings looked mad. I couldn't blame them. Caius was about to speak but Alec help up his hand.

"I'm not done yet." I was shocked at what he said, what else could he say. "Before you kick me out of the Volturi, I have made the decision to leave with Maria. We will come back to help with the battle."

I was shocked and you could tell that the Volturi was as well. Aro was the first to recover and speak.

"Alec, I am not happy to hear that you cheated on our beloved Queen and I think that my brothers would agree that if you hadn't mad the decision to leave then we would have." Caius and Marcus nodded in agreement. "We would like you out of her in 2 hours, now leave." Aro finished and Alec nodded and bowed before leaving. As soon as he was out of the room, I was pulled into a hug by Marcus. I had to force myself out of the hug. I looked at Aro and Caius, they had a look of concern on there faces.

"I'm fine guys, really." I reassured them. Aro and Caius look relieved but Marcus still looked concerned.

"Are you sure Bella?" Marcus questioned.

"Positive." Marcus nodded but Aro and Caius share this weird look but I shrug it off before walking out and back to my room.


Hey guys,
Sorry it's short. I hope that the next chapter is longer, I hope you enjoy.
This chapter idea is dedicated to Livy2018.

Anyway, enjoy, read and comment.

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