Chapter 1

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She woke up that day looking at her reflection.
She saw something different.
Her face wasn't sad. She was smiling without a reason. As if she's convincing herself that today must be happy.


"But ,boss..."

"You're fired, Out." Leila said in her end of discussion tone and went inside her office to prepare for her meeting in the coming 10 minutes.

"Ms. Josef?" Leila raised her head to see the speaker and there stood her old customer for more than 8 years now.

"Mr. Williamson" she stood and they shook hands. For Mr. Williamson, someone like Leila was unique and you could found rarely, that was why her advertising company was the only company he stayed for long years working with after the death of his friend.

"I'm sorry for the lateness in our agreement some irresponsible employee forgot what his work was but you don't have to worry everything is under control now and I'll ..."

"Ms. Josef we are old acquaintance and I have full trust in your work" Mr. Williamson declared with a smile. The old man knew how much she was successful and no one could mess with and he was sure that the worker she talked about was in his house now searching for a job.

"Thanks Mr. Williamson for your trust I won't fail you or the old friendship of you and Mr. Smith may he rest in peace"

Leila was so keen on the work of those old friends of Mr. Smith personally, she couldn't deny the fact that he was the one putting her in that chair now.

The sound of the door knocking and someone opening it cut their conversation and there came her PA Dalila informing her that Mrs. Suzanne the famous journalist came to have a talk for the magazine she was working for.

Leila nodded her head and dismissed her PA and ended her meeting with Mr. Williamson in her usual polite way , even though he knew she was dismissing him for being a busy businesswomen he smiled and went out wishing her good luck. Someone like Leila didn't believe in luck but nevertheless she thanked him and apologized again for her employee's mistake.

Leila valued her work and knew well how much Mr. Smith worked for it , she never tolerate mistakes that's why no employee of hers dared to do less in his duty and who made a mistake would sit at his house searching for another job.

People knew she was tough and ruthless that was why no one messed with her. She had the power and money to do what she wanted by just a snap of her finger. Although she was hard to work with , many people wished to have the opportunity to work for her. It is difficult to pass her qualifications and interviews but once you did it would be like heaven opened her arms to you.

Leila believed that giving her employees good salaries and never leave them with need , would bring her work higher , as the main trouble for anyone of them would be how to progress in their field and not how they would feed themselves or their families.

Leila ,in just few years, could sit on the chair of the CEO of the biggest advertising company in the town and that brought loads of worry and stress over her. When all women her age would use their money in beauty centers and shops to buy brand named clothes , shoes , perfumes , creams , makeup and so on , Leila was different as usual and although she had the physical beauty as a gift from God she never paid attention for that thing she had but focused more on her mental beauty and how to use it for the continuous progress and improvement of her company.

She knew very well that many families relied on her company and many customers needed her support for their goods so she valued herself and her company well and threw her personal life from the window of her 13th floor long time ago.

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