Chapter 16

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I wanted to wash all the mistakes I did, all the wrong people I knew.
But then I remember they are the reason for who I am today.


"Jacob?" A stunned Leila said when she went to open her house door , it was one of those days when she went home earlier than her usual 8:00 pm from work. She was searching for something to eat when her doorbell rang and as she opened the door her face reflected surprise. The last thing to come on her mind was to find Jacob on her doorstep seeking to see her.

"Hi, Leila. I come today not as an ex but as an old friend." He said and she was hesitant if she should talk to him or close the door on his face.

"Okay, come in" she opened the door wider , she was still in her work clothes which she was thankful for.
"You want to eat with me?" She asked out of hospitality and because she didn't want to eat in front of him without invitation it would be rude.

"No, I'm surprised you're home actually I came her everyday for a week and couldn't find you" she raised her eyebrows

"A week. You didn't give up I'm impressed" he chuckled.

"Anyway, you can eat while I talk" she shrugged sitting with her plat on the sofa opposite to him.

"So?" She began to let him talk.

"Firstly, I didn't get the chance to apology before so I'm sorry for what I did all these years ago"

"Don't you think it's so late to apology!"

"I know but I'm hoping you'll forgive me I know you have a big kind heart"

"That was nearly a decade ago, Jacob"

"No your heart will never change, I just know it" he smiled thinking of a younger Leila with the kind , selfless and big heart. When she didn't comment he continued.

"Secondly, I want our friendship to be back again I'm not saying as strong as it was , just the peace of it." Again she didn't comment " I really need a friend now nothing more nothing less. I just woke up and found that everything changed , and it was all my fault. I did a lot to people around me and I didn't find the friend who will shout in my face and tell me I'm doing bad , like you always did." He rubbed his face tiredly "no one advised me right , no one tried to fix me nor push me to the right path again when I deflected. I want a truthful person in my life again Leila and I will never find someone better than my old best friend who knows me like I don't know him." He finished, his eyes were closed and Leila was in a loss of words she didn't know what to tell him. She would be a liar if she said that seeing him like that didn't make her heart tug telling her to help. Not like a lover but like old days , like the friend she didn't have anyone except.

"Jacob, I don't know what I should do now, you just threw a bomb and waiting for me to stop it. Yes I always helped you, but that was ages ago I don't know you anymore, I don't know how to fix things in your life anymore" her eyes were on her unfinished food , her hands playing with the fork around the plate.

"Please one more chance" it was the first time to see Jacob beg for anything , he really was broken after his breakup. That thought was eating Leila's head but she pushed it aside.

"I'll see" she took a bite from her food not looking at him but she as well as Jacob knew that her answer was positive. Jacob smiled and stood up.

"I'll wait for your call" he said opening her front door.

"Wait. How did you know my place?" She asked curiously the question which was on her mind from when she first opened the door.

"I have my ways, Lee" he winked and closed the door after him. She sighed her heart would always put her in troubles ,don't it?

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