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If you want to see the sunshine you have to weather the storm.

-Frank Lane


"You don't care what I say, I'm just someone extra in your life , you don't love me any more , Malik, you ...." Sarah was blabbing and blabbing, Malik just stood watching her talk and talk some more on some imaginary problem she just thought about. He muted her whining because he knew too well that talking with her was a hopeless case , she just found a new hobby which was accusing him of not loving her like before and him getting bored of her, and who wouldn't when she was complaining 24/7 but he never said it out loud he just gave her an excuse these days ,he knew too well ,from experience, that it was her mood swings and hormones which were all over the place.

Him ignoring her wasn't what she wanted , she didn't know what she wanted herself but she didn't stop anyway. For her he was ignoring her and wasn't caring like before, she just couldn't see his perspective. For any man , it was boring to hear her talk of the same thing all the time, but she was seeking his attention maybe it was her hormones or insecurities of being fat but she wanted him with her all day and to talk with her whenever they see each others faces.

"What's happening here?" Leila interrupted the disaster Sarah was making , saving Malik's ears in the process which he was so thankful for.

"Nothing much, Sarah was just talking about something she didn't know." He shrugged uncaring of Sarah's blabbing of how ignorant and cruel he was to her and how he didn't care about her talking to him all the time, Leila looked at Yusuf , both of them suppressing their laughter at how the scenario played of the 'happy couple' in front of them. Poor Malik.

"Now, now" Leila held Sarah's hands which were pointing at Malik, silencing her "how is your peanut doing?" Sarah smiled suddenly the frown disappeared from her face which was there not a second ago and placed her hand on her seven months baby bump.

"She is doing fine." She replied happily.

"It's a 'she' this time, awe, congratulations guys" Leila said happily to Malik and Sarah with one hand on Sarah's bump and the other ruffling Murad's hair who shook his head to remove her hand from his hair. They laughed at the baby in Malik's arms who was only a year and some months old.

"Let's go congratulate the newlyweds" Yusuf said tugging Leila's hand and patting Malik's shoulder and they all went together.


Leila, Yusuf, Malik and Sarah were reunioned at Jacob's wedding party, Malik was still working at Leila's company but Sarah resigned to take care of the baby and the one on its way, it wasn't a big thing for her as she wasn't into working in the first place. She just worked to kill her boredom, but now she had a family to take care of, Sarah loved children a lot which made her have a baby and pregnant again with the other not when the first was a year old, she always hated being an only child, she wished to have someone all the time close to her and wanted the gap between her children small to make them connected to the hip more. In the process of her sitting with a baby and being pregnant at home made her seek Malik's attention more, he worked hard, sometimes he would be late coming home, she knew that kind of work but she was a typical woman , sometimes she felt too fat for Malik which made her create a scene to get his attention.

Malik understood her inner fights and was patient ,but sometimes he would be too tired for her fights, after all he worked all day and wanted his rest to be able to continue, not to forget a baby in the house was a disaster, Malik solved it by ignoring her blabbing , in his opinion it was better than keeping a fight all day. Still , they both knew it's a period and sure they had their good moments but yeah every marriage had it's ups and downs , the most important point is patience and using these downs to strengthen the bond not to break it.


Yusuf and Leila got married few months ago but they didn't have a baby or would have as Leila had some problems regarding this , but they were happy and satisfied with what they had and knew it was the best for them , they didn't have time for children in the first place anyway and that made them more satisfied with what their fate had. They both were believers and thanked God for whatever test they got in their way. They weren't the perfect couple out there on the contrary their relation ,for others, was weird. Each of them had their work and they had little time together after all they weren't a typical man and woman, yes they had a merger between their companies but still each one had their separate work and work problems ,however, they still find some time to each other even if it was little, they understood each other and were happy and that was the point at the end of the day.


Jacob and Rania solved their differences ,although it took them nearly three years to agree to have a relationship together as they suffered from their differences a lot but at the end they found love somewhere between their fights. That didn't mean they didn't have problems now but at least they knew how to solve them together and overcome each and every obstacle coming their way.

Jacob knew from the first meeting with Rania that she was religious and the only way to win her over was to read and collect as much religious knowledge as he could so he would impress her but on that way he found himself such an ignorant Muslim who knew nearly nothing about his religion and it turned to be more for his benefit than to impress Rania, most of the time when anyone saw him, they would say she changed him but the truth was that she did nothing to change him he just knew the beauty of Islam and found peace obeying Allah. People had to know that no one can change anyone's mind if they didn't want to, it's about the person's free will and thoughts, people are just reasons in each other's life.

Now we can say that Jacob was the pride of his parents more than anytime before , he was successful both in his personal and practical life.

Rania knew that Allah wrote for her the best, she knew Jacob had a good heart and he wouldn't treat her wrong. She was happy and she would do her best to make their marriage the way Prophet Muhammad 'PBUH' exhorted it to be.


"Congratulates their dude" Yusuf and Malik patted Jacob's shoulder in that manly way and did a half hug. Jacob smiled widely and scoped Murad in his arms and threw him in the air making the boy laugh.

"No more freedom and happy laughs , buddy" Malik faked a sad face making Sarah hit his arm with a scowl, as a result, all of them laughed at the couple.

"Welcome to the club, bud" Yusuf patted his shoulder.

The End


There you go beautiful people.

I want to tell you all, Happy Eid  ,early but to be the first ;) ❤

Till we meet again
Love you all ❤.❤

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