Chapter 26

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I believe that God is fair,
maybe you want it right now.
But later would be much better.


Meeting Yusuf's parents wasn't bad on the contrary it was good and Leila was able to feel the homey atmosphere after such long time , she was satisfied and happy may be it was a reward from God after all the years she lived alone in her lonely and sad house. May be Yusuf himself was a reward from God after her heartbreak when she was young and naive. May be when we accept our lives as it is with its heartbreaks with strong heart the reward becomes big and compensates every single loss we passed by. It was refreshing to spend the day with a family after so many days alone. It was like staying in prison for years and you got a day free, or working for hours in a hot sunny day then coming home to a cold glass of water. The change itself from the routine brings happiness and satisfaction.

So after enjoying the meal and talk with Yusuf's parents , Leila went home with a positive energy kicking in her life again which appeared visibly in her work the next day and the day after till the rest of the week , and being in continuous contact with his mother and him made the period longer , she was again acting like a young woman not the ruthless businesswoman.

Few months passed by and Leila was in her highest mood and now she was in front of her mirror with a smile on her face, it was Sarah and Malik's engagement party and she felt happy for the couple , she knew they deserved each other, the both were the kindest and funniest couple she had ever met and she had met a lot in this career. Another thing for her enthusiasm was that Yusuf would come along too. Finalising her last touch she went to wait for the arrival of her semi-love.

Yusuf and Leila came to a silent agreement that they would take it slow. She was honest with him and told him her past and he accepted her fear.


Being a family friend Sarah's dad invited Jacob and his family to attend the engagement, sure it was awkward after the breakup but he knew that everything happened for a reason and their fate wasn't written together therefore it wasn't right if he didn't invite his friend to his only daughter's engagement, he knew they were civil people and would feel happy for her.

True to his expectations, they all , including Jacob, didn't feel any ill feeling, they were genuinely happy for Sarah since she got her reward after tolerating someone like Jacob and found her true love.

Jacob wished he could find his love too, he thought about Leila , but truth to be told , he only saw her as a friend , he couldn't deny he loved her but he was just a teenager who was passing with his new developments from being a kid to being a man. It just was the time of every person, it wasn't true love. But again, thinking of love, he was confused What's love in the first place? Is it the butterflies in your stomach when you see or touch that one person or Is it the beauty that you only see in that one person or Is it after living together , the house and the family you created together or what? He couldn't stop these thoughts from creeping to his head without a solid answer. He didn't want to ask his parents he would seem childish and they'd think what a foolish question, it would be embarrassing. He asked one friend before and he told him love is different from one person to another but that didn't help with his conflicted life. He wanted a solid answer but he couldn't find it.

After traveling from Egypt he and his family rested the rest of the day then got ready to go, it was a bless that this party was in the weekend, so he wouldn't leave his new job for a day.
Adjusting his tie he smiled at his reflection satisfied.

The celebration wasn't crowded to his relief , it was only family and close friends, seeing many familiar faces was good after the long time.

"What a happy reunion" Sarah's dad said hugging Jacob and his father, he was a lovely person even after Jacob and Sarah's breakup.

"Congratulations, uncle." Jacob smiled "where's the couple?" He asked wanting to congratulate them himself. Her father pointed to where they stood. Jacob smiled , they surely were in love by how hard they were laughing with the people around them. He never saw Sarah that happy and he was relieved to know they left each other for good he could never have made her that happy.


Leila entered the place were the engagement was with Yusuf by her side.

"It isn't crowded. That's good." She commented and he agreed with her.

"There" Yusuf pointed to where the couple were and they walked towards them.

"Sarah" that voice she knew him. Leila turned her head towards the source of the voice and sure it was him. Jacob, what was he doing there she had wondered.

"Jacob" she acknowledged him with a formal tight smile, she didn't know what to do , that was awkward.

"Congratulations, I'm happy for you." he smiled hitting Malik's shoulder playfully. They were shocked as in really shocked all of them, Sarah and Leila the most. He was calm, that was new.

"Really?" Sarah blurted then she composed herself flushing "sorry I mean thanks" stupid mouth. She scolded herself. Jacob's laughter didn't help with her blush that was embarrassing.

"Yeah, really I'm happy for you both you look happy" he smiled again leaving them shocked, then he noticed Leila and smiled.

"Hey there friend" he raised his hand for a high five but Leila was still frozen from her shock. It was as if the old playful Jacob was back. He waved his hand in front of her and she came out of her daze and slowly high-fived him.

 He waved his hand in front of her and she came out of her daze and slowly high-fived him

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"You changed." She said and he laughed.

"Yeah, maybe I just needed a break"

"You come back then?"

"Nope, I just came to attend the party but we will go back , I got a better job, Ms Josef. I'm not free anymore , sorry" he winked playfully and left them dumbfounded.

"What was that?" Malik broke the silence.

"I don't know" both women replied still looking at his disappearing back.


Sorry for the late update but yeah here I tried my best , sorry if it's not so good.

Sarah's outfit.

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