Chapter 18

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Someone out there is thinking about you,someone out there is calling you beautiful, someone out there would like to know you better, someone out there is interested in you. But maybe you wouldn't know.


Jacob got a message from Sarah telling him she was ready to meet him and sort everything out in a correct way and he was contented to close at least one case from his messy life. He went to the place where they'd meet and waited for her arrival then he found her coming into the café with her beautiful face and her blue eyes looking into his with no emotion on her usual emotional face, she never for once hid her feelings but today he couldn't read her face like he usually did.

"Hey" she greeted putting her handbag on the table leaning on the wall.

"How're you?" He smiled but she only nodded without returning his smile.

Looking at him now she couldn't find the feelings she used to feel whenever she looked into his eyes or at his face. She always felt happy with his mere presence but now it was as if he was a normal guy she only knew not loved. She felt confused from herself.

How could I love him yesterday but today I don't feel anythingShe couldn't answer that question as she was oblivious that her feelings towards Jacob weren't real. It was a crush after all but she'd mistaken it as love.

"What did you want to talk about that day! I think it's better to close the old pages to feel complete again" she said looking in the space behind him. He was surprised to see Sarah talking rational and wisely so he smiled.

"I want to finish our relation as a couple but not our friendship in the right way" he confessed.

"Yeah I agree but the friendship thing will have to wait now, right?" She titled her head and he smiled nodding.

"Now you deserve to have an explanation about everything. I was in fault to not tell you from the beginning." He said waiting for a reaction but when she said nothing he completed but after the waiter came with the juice Jacob ordered for her.

"Thanks" she said wanting to know his explanation eagerly she was curious and she wanted to know everything also to close Jacob's page in her book completely.

"So I was saying, I'll tell you everything about me and Leila from the beginning." Jacob smiled that smile when someone was remembering a memory. "We were in the same highschool, she was that kind girl that everyone loved , shy and absolutely stunning. We were friends, she was my only girl friend , all my other guy friends were just friends but she was for me the best , she knew all my secrets, crushes , she knew what I was thinking about even before I tell her. She was the real definition for best friend. My parents and hers became friends just because of her."

Jacob remembered that shy, beautiful girl that had him around her smallest finger years ago. Her smile was everything that he wanted to know his day would be great no but wonderful. She wasn't nerd and he wasn't the player of the school, they just were best friends who were inseparable. Her spontaneous soul was his everything, her frown, her smile, her loud laugh whenever he cracked a joke, when she rubbed her hair in nervously even when she rolled her eyes when he say something she didn't like, he liked to surprise her just to see that wide smile and her jumping like a child having his candy after a long day fasting. He liked her messy buns in those moody days he suffered from trying to cheer her up but to vain. She was sometimes more stubborn than him. She was his secret box who he trusted with his life. She was his mother in the troubles that he needed an advise in, and in his irresponsible acts which she would scold him as a child. She was his sister who understood his family and stood by his side whenever he had an argument with his father or mother. He was overprotective over her a d didn't leave her side at all. Not for was a guy could mess with her or talk to her in that case. She was everything to him and he didn't want to lose her. She was his light.

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