Chapter 15

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"Oh lord please no, don't make her emotional drama queen who just broke up with her boyfriend" Sarah raised her head from the desk to see who the unfamiliar voice belong to.

"Defiantly, emotional lady. The symptoms are all over the place." she raised her eyebrows in confusion who was this? And what was he saying?

"What are you saying? What symptoms?" she asked with raised eyebrows.

"Breakup. Puffy, red eyes, tired face with no makeup and a messy bun" he explained making a circle with his finger indicating her form.

"You are creeping me out ,you creep, stop with your creepy moves"

"Too many creep in one sentence" he criticized.

"Who are you? And what are you doing here in my office?"

"Me? I'm Malik, 26 and..." He offered his hand for a shake but she slapped it out of irritation.

"I'm not gonna marry you, too much information, now what are you doing in my office?"

"You mean our" he pointed to the empty desk opposite hers. "Why is my luck with such emotional lady? Puft" he muttered in low voice but Sarah heard him.

"Did anyone tell you that you're a rude person?" She narrowed her eyes at him.

"Actually, people say that I'm handsome, with great sense of humour, intelligent in work , funny...."

"Then add, creep, rude and arrogant to the list" she snapped.

"You are the rude one here and please stop yelling it's still the first day of work and I haven't even had my coffee yet."He went to his desk with a sad look on his face. She raised her eyebrows bewildered. What a drama king!

"Lower your brows they might stuck up there and you'll be the creepy looking one here" he mocked making her raise her eyebrows again with her eyes wide open. He chuckled taking his mobile from his pant suit pocket.

She sighed, her pumping head and aching eyes were killing her and she needed caffeine to freshen her up specially after talking with that creep.

"You know, you di...." She huffed he was like a useless parrot in the morning, and people say women are talkative, let them see this broken radio.

"Shut up. Just shut up. How could you talk that much early in the morning?" she snapped at him and he shut his mouth shocked from her sudden outburst.

Malik was watching her taking deep breaths and he knew she was trying to calm her nerves down , growing up with a sister taught him a lot about girls and he knew not to disturb her breathing session if he wanted to finish his first day in one piece. So in order to kill time till this snappy girl tell him what to do as his work he opened his briefcase and got out his favourite family photo. It was taken on the day of his sister's , Maryam, engagement , who was now married, his father, mother , sister, her husband and him were grinning widely to the camera.

Malik was a family man in all its concepts. He loved them to death and was happy to have them in his life. In general, Malik was a funny, happy man and didn't like to stress over anything in life , he knew his life was in the hands of God he was just living it as a journey waiting for his forever life in the afterlife. He put some other things on the desk and arranged them, he didn't notice when Sarah left the office or when she returned till she tapped on his desk with her finger to get his attention. He raised his head and looked at her.

"Here" she gave him a paper cup but he didn't take it.

"What's this?" He nodded towards the cup.

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