Chapter 7

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       Sarah was feeling bored and so unhappy sitting at home with her parents doing absolutely nothing at all. She had a degree in designing but she didn't work in any place. Her parents let her needing nothing and they were rich enough for her to sit comfortable in her house, shopping and meeting her friends. When it came to Jacob he also wasn't poor or in need for her to work he also wanted her comfortable. So at the age of twenty-five she wasn't at all productive or anything , but now she felt useless and her free time was too big making her think a lot about her life with Jacob and she became like a flame and he was like oxygen igniting her fire. Even when she was shopping and meeting her friends frequently they had their lives and work which made them busy most of the time, and for shopping it got boring by the time.

Sitting on her bed playing on her phone she decided to call her best friend, Marya, to see if she was free or not. Putting the phone to her ear she listened patiently to the sound of dialling tone then she heard the cheerful voice of her friend greeting her.

"What's up there , sweetie?" Marya asked knowing too well that this phone call wasn't for nothing they were together just yesterday night making them departed only for hours.

"I call to see if you're free to go out. I'm bored out of my mind, Mary" Sarah whined to her friend making her laugh.

"Okay I'm free in the coming few hours till Isaac finishes school" she informed Sarah and they quickly agreed to the place where they would meet. Sarah was grateful that Marya was free for some time alone from carrying a toddler to everywhere she went to.


         "Mr. Jacob, I believe that we had already discussed your lateness before. It's not a meeting with a friend that's your job and I believe that working her for five years made you know the rules of this place" Leila said in a low dangerous voice to Jacob when she was informed that , again, he was late to work. She hated that he was clueless of the rules and system.

"Sorry, I overslept" he said casually as if it was normal to tell your boss that excuse for why you were late when there was an important meeting to all the managers for each department to discuss the new situation.

"That's not an excuse" Leila banged her hand on the desk " I'm sorry to inform you, Mr Jacob, that this time it won't go easy you have to face the consequences of your mistake and breaking the rules of the company for the second time."

"And what are the consequences of my act Ms. Josef?" He said through gritted teeth seeing her satisfied reaction.

"You'll be doing the new marketing project all by yourself ,only in your field of course, and if I pick out any mistake , I'm sorry to tell you but you'll not be the manager any longer" with a smile Leila dismissed him cheering for herself mentally.

Jacob was fuming and was still surprised how she easily said he wouldn't be the manager any longer if he made one mistake. The advertisement took a group work to do and she wanted him alone to do it. How cruel!

Leila turned to Mr. David to tell him why he was wanted. The man seemed to be frightened of her even when she didn't harm him yet.

"I want you to but an advertisement for a free job to a designer in newspapers" she told him and he nodded quickly , she was surprised his neck didn't fell from the force or his pants got wet from the fear. She couldn't be that bad, could she? She wondered to herself.

"Can I say something?" He asked cautiously and she suppressed a laugh nodding. "We already have a good one why would there be a free job if we don't suffer lack of designers?"

"Tell me, Mr David, how old is the current good designer?" She asked

"I thing over fifty-five"

"You mean over sixty" he looked at her confused. "I don't know how is this man still working when he is that old. I want new designer, new ideas , fresh creativity not someone who is in no use in such department. I believe he's still working because he is the uncle of Mr Matthew, aren't I right?" She raised her brows and he realized her point of view was right.

"Okay, Ms Josef , you need anything else?" When she shook her head he went to do as ordered.


       "I'm so bored sitting at home doing nothing , Mary" Sarah complained to her friend.

"I told you before how to get rid of your boredom but you refused" Mary said sipping her mango juice.

"How!" Sarah asked not knowing what she had told her.

"Oh god, Sarah. What are you eighty!" Marya huffed but one look to the cute sad face of her friend made her talk softly again "I told you, you have to work to kill the long free time you have in something more useful than fighting with your fiancé on how busy he is." She said but Sarah scoffed she wasn't searching for fights just for fun.

"I'll think of that, and for your knowledge I don't make up fights just for fun" she said but Marya rolled her eyes at her friend knowing too well that being free makes you over think and make up fights that have no base in the first place.

Sarah thought about what Marya told her and was determined to search for a good opportunity to fill her free time and feel as a useful productive person. Also, she wanted to fill her time to not be able to bother her Jacob anymore or to drive him far away from her if he got bored of her fights.

 Also, she wanted to fill her time to not be able to bother her Jacob anymore or to drive him far away from her if he got bored of her fights

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