Chapter 13

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Their eyes met and Jacob couldn't say a word what would he say after hiding his past from her.

"Sarah" that was the only word he could utter.

"Why Jacob? Why? You know I love you. I overlooked a lot of your bad traits. I hoped that one day you'll love me like I do you, I was ready to love for both of us in this cold one sided relation. You cheated." She accused and when he was about to talk she continued cutting him.

"You cheated when you loved someone else during our relation , cheating isn't only about adultery its about your eyes and heart who wanted someone else and kept me in the dark to know by myself. You could have told me it would've hurt less. You selfish man I was loyal to you even when you were a total jerk."

"I___" he couldn't say a word he was such a jerk in his eyes too.

"You know. I want to thank you here I found the reasonable reason that my father asked for to let me break the engagement" with a thin smile she put her engagement ring in his palm, turned on her heels and left him dumbfounded.

He turned around when he heard a sound of clapping. Seeing Leila was still there and clapping as well.

"You deserve a medal for being the world's jerk for the second time in your life. Again, you broke a girls heart and stood like a statue. You don't feel anything when you see her like this. You blind man you hurt her a lot she loved you" she raised her voice in the last part to knock some sense in the statue who was in front of her.

"How could you disrespect your relationship how could you disrespect her? She was your fiancée not some lover, mistress or even a girlfriend. That was a great relation that was a step from marriage you disrespectful, useless man" she hit his chest and left him to go to her office.

Being scolded twice in less than 5 minutes made his shoulder fall down in shame and grief. He didn't know what to do know. How could everything turn upside down in seconds! How could his life turn to be such a drama film was beyond his thinking!.

Standing straight he went to his desk , collected his belongings and went out of the company with million thoughts and scenarios playing in his head.


Leila slammed her door close after calling for her PA. David came running to her office when he saw her angry.

"I want a file to all those who could talk the position of Jacob after him" she said , he nodded and turned to do what was ordered.

"Something wrong?" Yusuf asked cautiously. Leila sighed. How could this slip from her mind.

"I'm sorry I left you to my work" she looked at him sheepishly.

"No problem. I wasn't working good anyway"

"You want to put my work in danger to be the best company, you sneaky man" she didn't know why she got used to Yusuf in short time but she was comfortable with his presence.

"Yeah, maybe I can see you beg for my help when you announce your bankruptcy" he smirked.

"In your dreams Yusuf Ryan" she said smiling confidently.

"At least you smiled" he pointed to her face and smiled himself. Could he be more sweet! She wondered in her head.


Sarah was surprised that she hadn't shed a tear till that moment. She was always emotional and a crying mess from small arguments but now it was as if her tears left her alone with her messy life. She sighed and drowned in her work. She closed her eyes and let all the negative thoughts out and focused on her new design, it was for a plastic bottle of water to some company. She was drawing numbly then she found on the paper in front of her a design of bottle similar to a human body. The ribcage was the biggest part then the vertebral column was where a person could hold the bottle , there was a ball like space inside the ribcage in the place of the heart. She laughed at the design and put it aside after writing her name on it, then got another paper to draw a proper bottle of water design.

She was engrossed in her work that her breakup didn't cross her mind for a second and she was thankful for this. But that couldn't last long she had to go home, she had to tell her parents, and she had to tell Marya. She knew that Marya was a drama queen and would bug her to talk when she wouldn't like and would bring it all the time. She would make her feel that she was broken even if she wasn't.

At home she told her parents and surprisingly they were supportive more than in the morning when they wanted her to work it out and be reasonable. She still hadn't cried just sitting on her bed thinking, which made her mother worry. She knew her daughter was an emotional and crying mess all the time how could she just lay on the bed with a blank look.
It's known that most people don't cry until sometime from the situation, they'll be still in shock.
As a mother she was worried and couldn't do anything for her broken daughter except praying for her good.

The next day, Sarah did her routine without any difference, she ignored the looks of her parents and went to work. The work always was a lot and she was always tired from how much work was on her shoulders or the due it was to be finished by then. She wanted to tell Leila to hire another designer to help and she did take an appointment to discuss the problem with her. After all she was still her boss and she wouldn't bring her personal life in the office with her. With that she knocked on Leila's door.


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