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A woman's voice is heard, over a phone; a sweaty, disheveled man, Joe, is pacing around inside the cabin, listening to her on speakerphone.

"Sir? Sir, can you hear me? Please – please just say something. Are you still there? Keep talking, and I can help you through this. Please, sir, if you can hear me, stay on the phone. It may feel hopeless right now, but, but you called the hotline for a reason. There's some part of you that still wants to live – some part that knows suici–"

Joe hangs up the phone. He opens a drawer in a dresser, sighs heavily, and pulls out a gun. He points the gun to his forehead, and gasps heavily, then looks at a picture of a woman and a child and sobs again. He lowers the gun slowly, and drops it back in the drawer.

Suddenly he hears a sound behind him, and whirls around. A man steps forward into the scene. "Who are you? Did the lady from the hotline send you?" Joe asks.

"No." He's wearing a small cross earring in his left ear. "You did." The intruder puts his hand toward Joe's head. View from outside the cabin; A reddish/white light shines and someone screams. A liquid splashes onto the window.


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The camera widens angle, to show Castiel walking from behind a counter, wearing a bright blue staff vest, and carrying a cup of coffee – he's working in a convenience store. Cass closely watches the two men, chatting at the coffee-stand. One man is stirring his coffee. Castiel watches and stirs his coffee. The man licks his stir stick as Cass licks his own. The two men continue to have conversation: Men laughing.

"I know, and that play in the second quarter?" The First Man asks.

"I mean, what team is he playing for?"

"Not ours." The man aims and tosses his stir stick into the garbage. The other guy and Castiel both watch.

"High-five!" The men high-five.

Cass turns around to a garbage can near him. He aims, leans forward slightly, and tosses his own stir stick into the garbage. He gives a small smile of triumph when he makes it.

A delivery man walks in. "Morning, Steve." He says briskly to Castiel.

"Bill. High—" Castiel holds up his hand for a high-five as the delivery man walks past, ignoring it. "—five." Cass closes his hand and lowers it.

The delivery guy drops a load of newspapers on the counter and turns around, leaving and nodding at Castiel on his way out. Castiel walks over to the stack of newspapers and begins unbinding them.

"Sorry I'm late." A Woman, Nora, says. Castiel looks up. "I had to ... drop the baby off at daycare the  hit every red light on the way here." She looks around. "But guess I shouldn't have worried. Place looks great. Coffee urns?"

"Uh, full." Castiel says.

"Dairy case?" Nora asks.


"Okay, Steve, last question –" Nora starts as Castiel looks up attentively. " – where have you been all my life?" Cass' mouth works, speechlessly.

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