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        A confederate soldier rides up to a cabin on a horse and quickly jumps off, tying it to a rail. He bursts into the cabin and there are two other soldiers inside who are guarding a door. "He's coming! Stand your ground, no matter what happens. The knight must be protected." The Soldier says.

        The room starts shaking and the curtains blow around the windows. Suddenly all three of the soldier's eyes turn black and they turn around to see a man in the doorway. The man grabs the first soldier's face and his eyes and mouth burn out in a hot, red light. The other two demons/soldiers shoot the man and he doesn't even react.

        Suddenly the camera is outside and the windows all glow in the same hot, red light. We are back inside and the man steps over the bodies of the dead demons on the floor. We see him grasping a large jawbone as he kicks in the door to the guarded room.


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        Dean, with a few-day-old beard, sits at the bar and watches a pretty waitress hustle by. He smiles sexily after her. Crowley appears. "So...is that boudoir smile for me?" Crowley asks. Dean startles and draws the demon knife from his jacket. "At least buy me a drink first."

       "I said the next time I see you—" Dean starts.

       "Dead. Yes, rings a bell, but let's not dwell on the past, shall we? This bar is a bust." Says Crowley. "That waitress is trouble with a capital VD, and your prey, Gadreel, has left the building. So, it's time to move on to more pressing matters, like destroying Abaddon."

        "Yeah, good luck with that. The Knights of Hell aren't exactly the dying kind." Dean says.

       "But there is something that can kill a knight." Crowley says. "The weapon that the archangels used to execute them—the First Blade."

       "Never heard of it. Can I kill you now?" Dean asks.

        "I've been chasing that blade for decades. The closest I got to it was when one of my droogs—Smitty—got wind of a protégé demon of Abaddon's who claimed knowledge of the blade. Sadly, before Smitty could nab the guy, a hunter by the name of John Winchester nabbed the protégé." Says Crowley. "I'm here to see if there's anything in the John Winchester memorial library that might lead us to the first blade—to killing Abaddon."
        "You want to hunt? With me?" Dean asks.

       "I do love a good buddy comedy."

        Dean rolls his eyes and reluctantly takes John's journal out of his jacket and lays it on the table. He rummages through the pages until he finds what he's looking for. "Oh, yeah. Here it is. Yeah, he picked up a protégé who had bones with Abaddon, but that's about all it says in here." He says.

       "What do those numbers in the margins mean?" Crowley asks.

       "None of your business." Dean says.

        "You're gonna play hard to get? We have time for a montage?"

       "It's a code—one of my dad's storage lockers. He may have put something about the case there." Says Dean.

       "And what does the 'T' next to the numbers mean?" Crowley asks.

       "Not a clue."

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