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        Dean pulls the demon knife from his jacket as a third demon crashes through the glass doors behind him. He flinches as glass sprays his back. He turns to face the Demon, swings the knife at him but it ducks and punches Dean in the stomach.

       "Elena, go find Crowley!" Dean yells as she nods and leaves to another room.

       Dean gets in a kick but the Demon sends him flying across the table and onto the other side with the other Demons. Cain watches the whole thing while sitting at the table shucking corn. The Stalker Demon swings at Dean but Dean grabs his hand and pulls it over his shoulder. He stabs the knife into the demon making him glow yellow and die

        As Stalker Demon falls to the floor, the girl demon grabs Dean from one side and and another kicks the back of his left knee making his legs buckle. The two demons grab Dean's arms and flip him up onto the table on his back. She steals the demon knife out of Dean's hand. As Dean struggles to get a upper hand, Cain calmly leans over.

        "Doing great." Cain says as Dean just glares at him and finally pulls his right leg back far enough to kick the girl into the far wall. He exchanges a few punches with the other demon and kicks him into the counter. He turns to face girl demon who brandishes the knife.

        Dean quickly picks up a yellow dish towel to protect himself. As she lunges at him he swings out of her way and wraps the towel around her neck. He whips her into the fridge and then into the china cabinet. The other demon finally picks himself off the floor Dean turns around and throws a pot at him and kicks him back into the counter.

        As the other demon gets up again he grabs a kitchen knife from a holder on the counter. When he turns around, Dean has the girl demon in a hold. He grabs the demon knife out of her hand and stabs her in the stomach.

       Meanwhile, Crowley still guarding the living room. One demon flies through the door and faces him. Crowley looks annoyed. "Really? Isn't it past your bedtime?" He asks. The demon rushes him and punches him to the ground. "You're good." As the demon goes for the kill, Crowley pulls out his angel blade and stabs him in the side. He dies instantly. "But I'm Crowley."

        Back in the kitchen with Dean, a demon throws him into the china cabinet as Cain gets up to get a beer. It grabs Dean and sends him flying across the floor and into the cabinets on the other side of the kitchen. Crowley watches silently from the door and Cain sits back down with his beer.

        Dean and a demon exchange violent punches and Dean finally gets enough leverage to slam him onto the table. In one quick move, Dean swings back and stabs him in the neck with the demon knife. Dean looks triumphantly at Cain and pulls the knife out and pushes the body off the table. "What? Was that some kind of a test?" Dean asks.

        Cain sips his beer. "I felt connected to you right from the beginning. Kindred spirits, if you will. You and I are very much alike." He says as Elena steps in.

       "Right." Dean says. "Yeah, except I didn't kill my brother."

        "You saved yours. Why?"

       "Because you never give up on family—ever." Dean says.

       "Where's your brother now, then?"

       "I don't know what kind of game you're playing here, and I don't really care." Dean says. "Just give me the damn blade."

       "Sorry, Dean. I have nothing to hand over." Says Cain.

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