[11] Are You Okay?

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"Are you feeling okay?" Lily asked Branch, as she sat on his bed with him.

"I'm fine," Branch said. "Stop worrying."

"I'm sorry!!" she said, then smiled. "It's just after your experience, I don't know, I just feel, like, I need to check on you."

"That's Poppy's job. She's doing a great job of it," said Branch, not looking at Lily.

"Right," Lily said, remembering the name. "Poppy...."

"What?" Branch asked. "What are you saying?"

"Nothing," she said. "It's just, Poppy's kind of an idiot...."

"What?!" Branch shrieked, scooting away from her. "How?!"

"Like, well, she didn't even come over to your house to see if you were okay when you weren't picking up the phone. She just sat there, waiting for a call back. She didn't do anything about it. I mean, if my boyfriend was in trouble, I'd go see what was wrong."

"Whatever," said Branch, as he rolled his eyes. "Poppy's the Queen, you know. You shouldn't be talking about her like this."

Lily's phone rang. She looked at Branch.

"Whatever. I've gotta go. See you later."

She then leaned over to Branch and hugged him. Branch returned it, and Lily kissed his cheek.

Branch smiled.

Lily smirked.

Trolls Continued-Branch And Poppy: Love Comes And GoesWhere stories live. Discover now