birthday gifts

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so my birthday was all the way back in November,,when i made this chapter,,but it never published and i'm just now realizing that,,so i'm gonna publish it now.

so my birthday was a few days ago and it was AMAZING!! a lot of my friends got me gifts and almost everyone ((even ppl i don't know)) told me happy birthday!

one of my best friends,,emily,,got me candy,,a super sweet card and wrote to me about our friendship,,a poppy christmas ordament,,and a bag full of body spray and bath bombs from bath and body! she's the best:))

then,,my best friend and i went to a really cool trampoline park for a teen night party! we got icees and dippin dots. healthy, right?? ;) she got me a gift card to target ((i love target,,idk y)) and a GIANT bag of m&ms!

and on my birthday they were showing a movie at my church ((it was captain underpants)) and before the movie started,,my crush came up to me and gave me a package of candy and told me happy birthday! eek!

but i kinda freaked out and just stood there for a minute and stared at him and said nothing🤦‍♀️i'm an idiot sometimes

one of my other best friends got me a card and drew trolls,,a wonder woman sign,,and a smurf on it! IT WAS SO GOOD OMG!!

i'm not gonna share what my entire family got me though,,because then this chapter would go on FOREVER. but my family is freaking AMAZING❤️ 


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