[17] I Don't Want To Take A Break.

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I don't want to take a break from you.

I'm sorry, Branch. But you broke my heart.

Um, Poppy? You cheated on me with Creek, you know that, right?


Poppy, please. You are my heart and soul. I love you, and I'll love you forever. I don't want to lose you. Please. I'll do anything. Please keep me in your heart.

I'm sorry, Branch. But you saying that doesn't change anything.

Well, then, what can change it?

Nothing. I told you. Our break's forever.

But I love you.

Branch didn't get a resonce, so he put down his phone. He sighed.

Pippyhad always been somewhat difficult to deal with. But this.....this was different.

It was almost as if the closer he got to Poppy, the further away she seemed.

"Looking up at a sunny sky
So shiny and blue and there's a butterfly
Well isn't that a super fantastic sign
It's gonna be a fantastic day
Such marvoulousness it's gonna bring
Got a pocket full of songs that I'm gonna sing
And I'm really to take on anything
Some super fun surprise around each corner
Just riding on a rainbow
I'm gonna be o-kay
I'm not giving up today
There's nothing getting in my way
And if you knock knock me over
I will get back-"

"Poppy?" Branch asked, and looked out his window.

Sure enough, it was Poppy, and she was singing.

Branch walked out of his house, and without thinking, he grabbed her close and kissed her.

Trolls Continued-Branch And Poppy: Love Comes And GoesWhere stories live. Discover now