[12] I Love This Movie.

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Poppy's phone rang, and she ran right over to it, and, as she was hoping, it was Branch.

"Hello?" she asked into it.

"Hey Pop!" Branch said.

"Branchie!!" Poppy exclaimed. "What's up?"

"Well, I just wanted to ask you....do you want to....meet up with me at the movies tonight?"

Right then, Poppy wished she could hop into the phone and plant a kiss on him. But she couldn't, sadly.

"Sure," Poppy said. "I'd love to!!"

"Okay," said Branch. "Meet you there!"

"Love You, Branchie," Poppy said, and blew a kiss into the phone as though he could catch it.

"Love you too," Branch said, and hung up.

(Time skip)

"What movie do you want to see?" Branch asked Poppy, as they were in line.

"Hmmmmm...." Poppy skimmed through the opinions. "Trolls sounds good."

He laughed, got their tickets and food, and went to get a seat. Poppy grabbed his free hand, and they sat down.

At the part of the movie where Bridget and King Gristle were dancing, Poppy laid her head on Branch's shoulder.

"I love this movie," she said.

"Me too," he responded, and tilted her head as her head tickled his nose.

Trolls Continued-Branch And Poppy: Love Comes And GoesWhere stories live. Discover now