lets talk broppy in season 5

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so I wanna talk about season 5

So like, it was ok

I loved it but at the same time

I felt like it could've been better

So as for the broppy kiss not happening

I'm kind of starting to understand. Idk if I'm right, but it might have to do with the fact that a lot of people don't have Netflix and have to wait until twt to see the trolls again. So really the only explanation I can come up with as to why they're not giving it to us is that they don't want people who don't have Netflix to walk in the theatre to branch and poppy being a confirmed couple without knowing why or what happened.

Idk. But I saw so many freaking opportunities for them to kiss and they didn't.

Also wen poppy said "branch, hold my hand!" I was literally chanting "do it! Do it!"

And he didnt😭

However, I do feel as thought dreamworks may be warming up for some upcoming broppy. Because if you noticed in the episodes they were together in, they were literally TOGETJER EVER SECOND.

And also, you may have noticed that Branch was making more contact with her than in past seasons. He was constantly putting his hand on her shoulder and he grabbed her hands just like in the movie, where they acted like a REAL couple. Poppy also returned it by also grabbing his hand and put her hand on his arm, and his shoulder. AND, when branch put his arm around poppy when they were walking in the mr. what's his face episode. They also almost kissed, which made me really mad.

Okay, as for the things in this season I'm not so fond about:

1. Mr. what's his face kissing poppy's hand and she was blushing like crazy. Honestly I tried focusing on smidge because it made me kind of uncomfortable seeing her blush with a dude when she's (PROBABLY) dating branch, and he's standing right there

2. There were WAY too many poppy and gd moments. It was like they were together for the whole entire season, which I feared would happen from watching the trailer. I don't mind it, but it felt like it was too much, like he was replacing branch.

3. The last episode was kinda depressing. Like, it was SO cute to see branch smile at poppy while he was crying, don't get me wrong. But I'm over here crying because of how sad they made it. And sure, I'm always down for sad parts at some moments, but idk. Trolls is supposed to be upbeat and funny and the ending seemed too sad and depressing. Even the way poppy yelled "dad" whenever she saw him frozen was kind of sad.

4. How many opportunities there were for ADORABLE broppy moments that dreamworks ignored.

Idk. I loved the season and it might be one of my favorites, if not my FAVORITE, but it also had its downfalls that kind of made me mad.

Anyways, don't forget to follow my ig. I post trolls edits:


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