[55] A Game Of Broppy....

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Warning: Broppy will be in this chapter! ☺

Branch walked out from the room in his suit, feeling a little odd wearing this instead of his normal outfit. But still, he shrugged it off and walked down the hallway, until he saw Poppy.

She noticed him, and couldn't help but blush as she saw his handsome outfit.

"Do you like it?" Branch asked, and jokingly spun.

"I love it," Poppy said, and tightened his bowtie. "But we should stop messing around. The snack pack is going to be here any minute and I don't have hardly anything cleaned or read for guests," Poppy said, as she wanted to throw a few shirts into a random closet.

"Poppy," Branch said, placing a hand on her shoulder gently. "Everything will be fine. It's the snack pack. They're really not judgmental people at all."

Poppy nodded. "You know what? You're right. You're right. Who cares what other people think, right?"


"Thanks," she said, and kissed him before the doorbell rang.

"Be there in a minute!!" she yelled to it. She looked in a mirror. "Do I look okay?"

"Better than ever," Branch said, showing her a bright smile.

She returned it, then grabbed his hand and they both walked to the door. Guy Diamond stood there, but for some reason, he had an inside out white T-shirt on, which had something on the front, and neither of them could make out what it was, but the colors were pink and blue.

"Guy Diamond!" Branch exclaimed, giving him a quick hug, but was sure not to let go of Poppy's hand.

"You're....wearing clothes?" Poppy asked, suspiciously.

"Yup!" Guy Diamond said, proudly.

"Why?" Branch asked. "You never wear clothes."

Guy Diamond smirked. "There's a reason....."

Branch raised his eyesbrows, confused. He sighed and lead him in. "Okay then...!"

"He's weird," Poppy mumbled to Branch.

"Did it take you that long to figure that out?" Branch asked her, jokingly.


After all of the guests had arrived, Guy Diamond ordered everyone in a circle for truth or dare.

"This is going to be my favorite part of the night," Guy Diamond said, rubbing his hands together.

Branch shook his head and took a seat next to Smidge on his left and Cooper on his right. Meanwhile, Poppy sat down with Fuzzbert to her right and DJ Suki to her left.

"Alright!" Guy Diamond exclaimed. "I've chosen the first person out of a hat, and it's...."

He fiddled around with the paper.

"Are you having some....trouble?" Branch asked, looking over at him and laughed.

"Nope!!" Guy Diamond said, and opened it up. "Oh! Poppy, this one's for YOU!"

"Uh oh," Branch heard Poppy murmur to herself.

"Truth or dare?" Guy Diamond asked her.

"Dare...." she said, slowly.

Guy Diamond smirked and Branch noticed he shot him a glance.

"I dare you to....sit on Branch's lap for the rest of the game!"

Branch felt himself blushing. Poppy did too. But she instead ignored it.

She shook her head. "Um, what?"

Guy Diamond smiled. "You heard me."

Poppy groaned and moved over to Branch.

"Are you heavy? I can't hold heavy, I'll probably pass out," Branch told her.

She shook her head. "No."

She sat on him, and she hasn't lied, she weighed less than a feather.

Smidge let out a laugh, causing everyone else to laugh, including Poppy and Branch. What made them laugh was the awkwardness between everyone now.

"Poppy, it's your turn to ask someone," Branch mumbled to her.

"Oh! Right! Um, DJ! Truth or dare?"

"I'm no chicken," she said. "Dare!"

"Hmm!" Poppy said, gazing upon the room. "I dare YOU to sit on GUY DIAMOND'S lap!!" she said, raising and eyebrow.

Cooper laughed. Branch cracked up. DJ shot her a dirty glare before crawling over to Guy Diamond.

"Fine then!" she said, and raised an eyebrow. "Branch! Truth or dare?"

"Dare...." Branch said, slowly.

"I dare you to...."

DJ Suki studied to room, until she jumped up.

"OW!" Guy Diamond shrieked as she landed back on him.

Poppy fell over laughing, which caused her to accident whack Branch right in the head.

"OW!" Branch screamed, making everyone crack up.

"Okay, okay, okay! I have a dare that will be sure to make a certain someone in here crack up!!" DJ Suki claimed.

Everyone grew silent.

"Branch, I dare you to tickle Poppy. And she can only fight back when she thinks she is going to pass out."

"WHAT??!!" Branch and Poppy both exclaimed at the same time.

"Fine then," Branch said, and put his hands on her waist and vibrated them.

"Ahh!" Poppy shrieked, making everyone start laughing.

He began tickling her. He knew that her tickle spot was her ribs, which made her start rolling around the floor, trying to escape his grip.

She finally ran into Biggie's tummy, thinking she had saved herself, except it only had the situation worse.

Biggie grabbed both of her hands and held her back.

"Quick, Branch!! I have her pinned down!" Biggie yelled.

Branch rushed over and tickled her more. He started kicking, and as unintended, she accidentally kicked Branch in his stomach, making him go flying backwards.

Biggie let go of Poppy, and she rushed over to him.

"Oh my goodness!!" Poppy exclaimed. "Are you okay Branch?!"

She shook him. For a moment he didn't move.

Then he shot up and tickled her.

It had made everyone's night.

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