[38] Rylie.

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Poppy walked out of the car. She looked around at all of the large buildings surrounding her. She smiled.

Different trolls were all running around, talking, laughing, you name it.

When she walked out, nobody seemed to notice or, or even care that the queen was in their college.

"Hi! I'm Ellie, here are your keys to your room! You're in room 407, and you're sharing it with another person! Are you liking your first impression?"

Poppy smiled at the troll that had run up to her. She had yellow hair, with a turquoise body. She wore a dress, similar to Poppy's.

"It's....very cool! Although, no one seems to care that their queen is going to their college. You're my first hello," Poppy Said, and looked around again.

"Oh, there's a reason for that. Most of the people that go here don't believe that a queen, should you know, have the right to be a queen. They think it makes you make you feel better about yourself."

"Really? I'd feel good about myself if I were a nobody," Poppy said, and shrugged.

Ellie looked behind her. "So, where's that Branch of yours? Isn't he your boyfriend?"

Poppy nodded. "Yes. But he didn't make it, sadly. He applied, but he didn't make it. We were trying to get into the same college."

"That's sad. He'll be king soon, won't he?"

Poppy nodded. "When I'm out of here, we're supposed to have our wedding."

"That's nice," Ellie said. "Well, I'm not going to keep you long. Go get up to your room. I think your roommate is already there."

Poppy nodded.


Poppy looked at the doors.

404, 405, 406, 407.

Poppy smiled and sighed. She took her key out, and opened the door.

Right away she found herself staring at a male, red troll with blue hair sitting on a twin bed. She smiled and waved at him.

She took her bags in the door and started unpacking.

"Hi! I'm Poppy," she announced, and smiled at him.

He nodded. "I've heard of you. I'm Rylie. You're dating Branch, aren't you?"

Poppy nodded and sat down on her bed that was next to his. "How did you know?"

"Everybody knows," he said. "It must be nice to be in such a great relationship. I wish I had that."

Poppy nodded. "Don't worry. You'll find your girl."

He smiled and looked back over at her. "You really think so?"

Poppy nodded once again. "Yes. I know so. Maybe you just haven't found someone good enough for you yet."

Rylie smirked. "I already have."

So. Who do you think this troll Rylie has fallen for is? Will Branch visit Poppy? Will they stay together? Find out soon!

Trolls Continued-Branch And Poppy: Love Comes And GoesWhere stories live. Discover now