[44] Creek and Lili?

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Branch stared at the floor as he felt a slight tear fall down his cheek.

"What's going on.....?" he asked himself. "Everything's changing. Life is so confusing. I can't take this anymore.....!"

He threw someone across the room.

"Ow!!" he heard a fimilar voice screech.

Branch turned around. He didn't have to be surprised when he saw who it was.

"What do you want, Lili?" he asked her, collapsing onto his bed.

She smiled. "I just haven't seen you in a while. I wanted to come and say hi."

"Hi," Branch said. "Get out."

Lili's shoulders slumped. "That's it? You're just going to kick me out?"

"After what you did to me last time? I don't want to see your.....your ugly f-face anymore."

Lili gasped, and she frowned, upset.

"Fine! Fine, then! I will leave! And I'm sorry you were so dumb as to fall for Poppy!"

Branch stopped what he was doing and stared strait forward. He didn't say anything for a minute.

"You're right. Why was I so dumb to fall for Poppy.....?"

Lili slammed the door, and Branch kept his frown on.

He moved his eyes to the dresser, and saw a picture of him and Poppy.

He had his arm tightly wrapped around her thin waist, while she had one on his shoulder and the other waved to the picture.

Branch slightly grinned at the picture, but shook his head and looked away from it.


"Have you heard from Poppy at all?" Creek asked, as he saw Lili walking up to him.

She sat down next to him. She shook her head. "No."

"I'm worried. There's a rumor that Branch ended things with her yesterday."

"H-he did?" Lili asked, looking over at her, curious.

He nodded, then smirked. "You know what I'm thinking, don't you?"

She nodded. "I sure do. C'mon."

They both smiled, and got up. They started walking. They grabbed each other's hands.

Lili looked down at their hands and blushed.

"I-I hope this is....ok....." Creek said.

Lili made him stop.

"Don't worry. It totally is."

And before they knew it, their lips were connected.

Trolls Continued-Branch And Poppy: Love Comes And GoesWhere stories live. Discover now