[43] Flashback.

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"What?" Poppy asked, and looked at him with innocent eyes.

"You heard me," Rylie said, and let his hand that was on her back go.

"You're in love with me....." Poppy said, thinking aloud. "That's crazy. I've only known you for two days...."

"I know, I just.....it hasn't only been 2 days. We met when we were kids....."


"Idiots like you would never have friends," the giant kid of the class, Mitchell pushed Rylie on the ground.

"I....I have friends," Rylie said.

"Really? Who? Oh, pretty princess Poppy? Ohhhh, she's your girlfriend! This guy's got a girlfriend!" Mitchell yelled.

"No, not her. Branch.....he's my friend."

"Branch?! The gray dude?! Bruh, he's....I'm not even going to say it. He's an idiot. A jerk. A don't know who would ever like him!" Mitchell and his minions laughed.

"I like him," said Rylie. "And there's nothing you can say to change that."

"Ohhhhh, fiesty, are ya? A baby like you will never find anyone to love."

Rylie had gotten back up, but they pushed him back down to the ground, but this time, harder.

Rylie began to cry.

"He's right. No one likes me. I'm a mistake. Why was I made on this planet?" he asked himself.

He looked up, and Branch was across the playground talking to Princess Poppy.

He looked down.

"Hey. Need some help?"

Rylie looked up. It was Princess Poppy, holding out a helpful hand.

"I'm here for you," she said.

Rylie smiled, took it, and walked off with her to Branch.

//End of flashback\\

"You are Rylie from 1st grade? That Rylie?" Poppy asked.

Rylie nodded.

"And.....you were friends with Branch?"

"Yeah. We still chat now and then on IM. But nothing much."

"I'm so sorry. I totally forgot! I normally remember everyone in the world by heart. I guess.....my brain had a huge fart."

Rylie laughed, but stopped when she looked back at him with a serious expression.

"So.....is what you're saying is....."

"......I.....I......really like you....." Rylie finished for her.

Poppy didn't say anything for a moment. "More than just friends?"

Rylie nodded.

Poppy sighed, and before she knew it, she was holding his hand, and they were leaning in.

Their lips were about to connect, when Poppy spread apart from him.

"I'm sorry. I can't do it. This is....too weird."

Rylie nodded, and kept in his hard waterfall from his eyes.

Trolls Continued-Branch And Poppy: Love Comes And GoesWhere stories live. Discover now