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today was the first time you left seokjin's house; aside from the time you went to get your belongings out of jungkook's condo

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today was the first time you left seokjin's house; aside from the time you went to get your belongings out of jungkook's condo.

seokjin sent you out to get groceries because of two reasons. one, it was an excuse to get you out of the house. two, it was the least you could do since you're receiving free hospitality.

but you didn't go alone. nor did you drive yourself.

seokjin ordered yoongi to take you and yoongi happily obeyed. hoseok and seokjin went out together, as friends, to go window shopping. they promised to bring you and yoongi something back.

yoongi parked his automobile and exited quickly. you followed in a hurry. the fresh air skimmed your face and the sun made you squint your eyes.

"let's make this quick, kenna," yoongi grumbled, walking ahead of you.

the only reason yoongi was a bit grumpy was because he had trouble finding parking. he knows people are gonna be inside and he wasn't in the mood for socializing.

"yoongs, slow down!" you skipped next to yoongi's side as you spoke.

yoongi chuckled, "yoongs? what kinda nickname is that?"

"i don't know. it just came out." you responded, flustered.

yoongi smiled, picked out a cart and pushed it inside the store with you behind. the store was much colder than outside, making you shiver.

the both of you walked around the store picking out goods and flinging them into the cart. seokjin gave you a list before you left and on that list had various things you made sure to buy.

your older friend pushed the cart into the snacks section and began tossing boxes into a cart like basketballs.

"kenna, this one's for you," yoongi pointed at the cart with a box of cookies in his grip. he stuck out his tongue subconsciously out of focus, throwing the box perfectly into the cart.

"oh, wow! you're so good, yoongi! thank you so much!"

yoongi bowed and blew multiple kisses, mindlessly guiding them with his hands. you giggled and applauded your friend.

the two of you went back to skating the cart around and gathering the last few items. during this, yoongi spotted the last people he wanted to see roaming around the store.

the harder yoongi tried to direct you away from the other couple, the closer they subconsciously got.

you didn't notice yoongi's antics and pulled the cart into the bread aisle to get the two last things on seokjin's list. yoongi sighed and stood by the cart.

you went over and picked out two loafs of bread. one white and one wheat. yoongi saw a cart coming out of his peripheral vision. the cart 'accidentally' crashed into his, shaking him a bit.

the sound of the collision caused you to turn around. the sight in front of you made your blood boil and your grip of the bread tighten.

"what the fuck do you want, jungkook?" yoongi sneered, not looking at jungkook.

"it's a public store, yoongi, we're grocery shopping," jungkook rolled his eyes. "hey, kenna."

you looked back between yoongi, jungkook, and krissy. krissy was in control of pushing the cart which explained why their cart crashed into yours.

the menacing smile on her pink lips only angered you more. her perfectly straight, blonde hair annoyed you. her eyes are a complimenting shade of brown. her body looked too nice. her arms were intertwined around jungkook's bicep, keeping him insanely close to her.

you were jealous.

jealous of how undeniably gorgeous krissy is. jealous of the way she clung onto jungkook. jealous of how good they looked together. jealous because that should be you next to jungkook and not krissy.

"can we please leave, yoongi?" you muttered, ingnoring jungkook's greeting and shuffling to yoongi's side.

yoongi quietly nodded and moved the cart backwards.

"you're not even gonna say hi to me?" jungkook asked you.

"what about me, darling kenna?" krissy fluttered her eyes, teasingly. her voice sounding like honey.

the blood rushed to your cheeks. you took a few seconds to look at the both of them.

jungkook furrowed his brows at his current girlfriend and took his arm away from her. "don't be mean, krissy." he commanded lowly.

you and yoongi heard what jungkook told krissy and looked at each other in disbelief.

krissy narrowed her eyebrows and glared at jungkook. they got into an intense staring contest but jungkook's glare overpowered krissy's.

"fine," she uttered, "since we ran into you two, jungkook and i were wondering if you'd like to go out and get some coffee with us? not today, but maybe this weekend?" krissy innocently smiled at you and yoongi. her invitation catching you, yoongi, and jungkook off guard.

"when did we agree to this?" jungkook raised his brows.

yoongi scoffed, "i'm gonna go pay for this stuff. i don't want to be here any longer."

your mint haired friend left to go check out all the products in your cart. you awkwardly stood still, not knowing what to do.

"we agreed to it right now, silly." krissy grinned.

jungkook opened his mouth to speak but you cut him off with, "jungkook is usually out on weekends handling business."

jungkook and krissy clamped their mouths shut. jungkook did so because he felt guilty and krissy because she wasn't expecting the sass to escape your lips.

"noted," krissy averted eye contact.

"i gotta go," you lifted up the bread in your hands, signaling you were going to catch up with yoongi.

"wait, kenna," jungkook spoke up, taking a step forward to you. "this might be a weird question but are you and yoongi... uhm-"

you dryly laughed, already predicting what jungkook was going to ask. "yoongi and i dating? no, we're not dating, jungkook. he's just being here when i need him most. unlike you. have fun with your new toy." you turned on your heel and caught up with yoongi; tears of frustration forming.

the harshness laced in your voice made krissy flinch. jungkook's jaw hung open. he felt angry whereas krissy felt embarrassed.

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