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taehyung's house1:14 am

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taehyung's house
1:14 am

"so is no one really gonna tell me why the fuck kenna and her entourage came to that damn party?" jungkook furiously grumbled and sunk back in his seat.

jungkook, jimin, and taehyung left the party after you left jungkook in the hallway. krissy was dropped off at her house for the night because she was too wasted to even properly walk.

not like anyone minded her absence.

"and where the fuck is joon?!" jungkook raised his voice, crossing his arms over his chest.

taehyung and jimin menacingly giggled and took their seats on taehyung's large sofa. jimin was a bit tipsy; obviously seen by the redness of his cheeks, messy appearance, and consistency to keep his lips moist.

"i don't know but what i do know is yoongi is cute!" jimin laughed out loud and sprawled his body over taehyung's lap.

taehyung scoffed with a grin, "did yoongi get mad when you got him away from kenna?"

jimin hummed, "fuck yeah he was mad, but it was soooo worth it."

"your gay is showing, jimin." jungkook rolled his eyes at his red haired friend.

"yah, you never told us why you wanted us to get kenna alone— or about what happened when you got to her!" taehyung averted the subject to a more important matter.

jungkook heavily sighed and ran a hand through his brown, parted hair. he thought for a minute before speaking up, "i wanted to be alone with kenna so we could talk about— talk about, y'know..." he lowered his voice as he spoke, "but we didn't talk about it, we just— i kinda, like, forced her into a kiss— but i got her consent!"

"consent is sexy," jimin licked his lips and played with the hem of taehyung's shirt as he listened to jungkook's story.

"what'd she do after you kissed her?" taehyung further questioned his younger friend.

"well, she kissed me back, but she stopped me after a while and left," jungkook explained. "let me tell y'all, she has the softest lips ever that i missed so much and—"

"but what about krissy?" jimin whined.

jungkook quickly answered, "she doesn't have to know."

"she's your girlfriend though?" taehyung raised a brow.

"yeah i know she is but— i don't know, dude. it's complicated," jungkook bit his lip, "like, i like krissy, she's cool and all, but she's nothing like kenna and i only want kenna."

"you're dumb, kook," jimin sat up, "you can't just cheat on your girlfriend and expect her to still want you back. or even tolerate you. i wouldn't be surprised if kenna moves on and dates that yoongi guy."

taehyung and jungkook quickly silenced themselves at their friend's logic. the truth pained jungkook and all he wanted to do was make things right.

"maybe you should just forget about kenna and move on with krissy..." taehyung shrugged.

"you guys don't know kenna like i know kenna," jungkook raised his voice. "i know she's playing some game with me, and i deserve it. but i'm willing to play her little game and show her i regret cheating on her."

"does kenna even know who you cheated on her with?" jimin hiccuped.

"no..." jungkook cautiously dragged out.

"you're unbelievable!" taehyung threw his arms in the air. "you've been flinging around other girls while dating kenna for a year, and the one time kenna actually leaves, you're bitching about it!"

jungkook mumbled, "yeah, i know. i'm really stupid."

jimin rolled on the sofa and groaned, "what have you gotten yourself into, kookie!"

"maybe you don't even want kenna back and you're just addicted to her taste?" taehyung suggested a solution for jungkook's out of character actions; this solution was the most reasonable since jungkook used to always brag about how much he enjoyed doing something as simple as kissing you.

"she's hella toxic, dude." jungkook admitted, "but that's not the case. i told kenna i loved her. i don't just say that to anyone."

"you're really making this more complicated than it needs to be, bro. just dump krissy and make more of an effort for kenna." jimin commented sassily.

it was surprising that jimin had enough brain capacity to think so logically with all the booze in his system.

"it's not that easy because krissy will tell kenna you-know-what." jungkook shook his head and shifted his seating position.

"pffft, jungkook, you really dicked yourself!" jimin mockingly laughed and pointed at the boy fuming in his seat.

"don't be an ass, jimin," taehyung nudged jimin.

jungkook frowned and glared at the intoxicated jimin before him. "whatever. have either of you heard from joon? it's almost 2am." jungkook changed the subject, because his head was starting to ache, and got a reply from all three of their cell phones chiming in with a ring.

the ring was caused from a text message by kim namjoon himself.

where the hell did y'all go?
i deadass just realized y'all left lmao
and i just saw these gc messages oops

jimin went into a giggle fit when he read the text messages from his purple haired friend. taehyung reassured jungkook that he would reply to the groupchat to save jungkook from doing so. jungkook didn't argue and just nodded in response.

we're at my place
jimin is wasted
kook did stupid shit
come by and tell us why u disappeared

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