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10:51 pm

you rolled up to the noisy sight along side seokjin. the both of you silently gaped in awe at the amount of people.

seokjin's sister, evea, decided to head home early. said something about important plans.

customized cars decked out in racing equipment piled both sides of the large street. girls wearing skimpy outfits roamed. many musty lookin men were clustered together, chatting away. people were either betting on the race contestants, participating, or there to have a good time.

the way the annual street race would work is a group of wealthy people come together and block off streets, forming a track that ends right where it started. said people bribe the county police officers to stay away for a set amount of time— reassuring the worst thing they'd do is go over the speed limit. people enter the race by buying in a fee. in turn, the money that the contestants put in gets rewarded as the first place prize.

the winner also gets title of 'street king/queen' but that is drowned out by the cash prize.

only wealthy and pro drivers are allowed to compete.

you and seokjin exited your car once he parked, to catchup with yoongi and hoseok.

the vibe was dark and wild.

a handful of people greeted you when they saw you. you were a familiar, friendly face to almost everyone. hoseok walked around with a vibrant smile plastered on his lips; while yoongi walked around with an intimidating glare.

taehyung left namjoon's car as soon as he parked and made his way to accompany you since he did invite you.

namjoon and jimin watched taehyung eagerly leave, already knowing what he is going to do. the two sat on the hood of namjoon's car and conversed.

"joon and jimin want us all to be together and watch the race," taehyung awkwardly uttered, pushing himself past half naked females. "we got a good view by his car anyways..."

"sounds like a plan," seokjin grinned.

hoseok and yoongi mindlessly glanced around the area, taking in everything. the race was going to start soon and the two males could tell by the rush of people trying to get organized. heels clicked and clacked on the hard black concrete. chains dangled and bumped against each other.

taehyung shot two thumbs up, escorting the four of you to jimin and namjoon.

"how many times have you been to these races, kenna?" hoseok questioned out loud.

you smiled, reminiscing on your past, "this is going to be my fifth year in a row."

the past four years you came here, you watched jungkook win first. he was a very skilled driver and known in this race. only during the past two races were you known as jungkook's girlfriend; you used to ride in the car with jungkook while he raced. the mutual feeling of enjoyment during an adrenaline rush was a bond you and jungkook shared.

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