Chapter 1

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"Princess! Send help. Quick, quick", the king shouted panicking, his daughter laid still and lifeless in his strong arms. The king which was always seen as powerful and dominant was now showing his weakness and the sadness shone through his eyes. Silently tears rolled down his chiselled cheeks.

The little girl in his arms who was just playing in the garden chasing a butterfly was now stone cold and dead looking.

The royal guards rushed back and forwards to search for help and bring supplies. The princess's best friend – Lucas, kneeled next to her, hiding his tear stained face in his shaking arms. Lucas was scared for his best friend, which he loved as a sister.

A woman approached the scene – the queen. She rushed to her baby girl, tears quickly slid down her face. She approached the king – her husband and ushered him upwards to carry their daughter Avalyn to the infirmary, where the best doctors were waiting and ready.

The king and queen were rushed out of the room to a waiting area as lifesaving operations were being made on their little girl.

6 hours later

"King, Queen the operations are over. Princess Avalyn is alive and well, however she still hasn't woken up. The strike of lightning had slightly missed her heart, there may be some side effects – good and bad", the doctor spoke and looked up to see relief across his majesties faces.

"Doctor you said there were side effects, what are they?" the king question.

"Sir, the first one is her wolf could come out an earlier age as the lightning could've fastened the process. The second is she may have stomach pains for some weeks, it may take her some time to walk properly again and I believe that is it. Oh and she might have some memory loss as well", the doctor answered.

"Thank you doctor. I give thanks to all the staff for saving our daughter and your princess", the queen spoke kindly with a touch of happiness.

The king and queen walked into the room hand in hand, calming each other's wolves. They both looked up to see hundreds of wires attached to Avalyn's body, her face looked peaceful now which was a relief as before all that could be seen was pain.

The queen walked over to her daughter and placed her hand onto her daughters and kissed the top of her head before sitting down on the hard, uncomfortable chair. The king copied the mother's actions and sat in the chair opposite her.

A knock came upon the door, the queen called out to ask who was there "Its Lucas, can I come in?", the masculine voice spoke back. The queen answered yes in her mind as she was too emotional to answer humanly.

Lucas walked in with red blood shot eyes and a snotty nose. As he walked closer to Avalyn's body new tears ran down his face, he thought to himself that he should've run out of tears by now, however the waterfall kept on flowing.

"Is she ok?" Lucas asked the queen quietly.

"She's alive and well. The lightning has affected her body in some ways, such as she could get her wolf early and she will have some pain when she awakes", the queen spoke to the young boy – Lucas, who she saw as a son.

Lucas nodded towards the queen. The queen opened her arms as she could tell Lucas needed some comforting. Lucas walked into the queen – Rosaline's warm, open arms.

Everyone in the room had fallen asleep, knowing that Avalyn was alive and safe.

But what they didn't know was that the princess would not awake for many years.


First chapter posted 07.05.17

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