Chapter 22

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Vince P.O.V

Ava looked so peaceful laying asleep, with her blonde messy hair on the pillow. I could watch her all day. But she wasn't in this bed for a lazy day, she was attacked, my mate was attacked.

We will kill whoever touched our mate. Ace growled.

I heard a whimper next to me, quickly I stood up and gently pulled Ava into my arms. Ava felt warm, and alive, but her wrists had claw marks. Looking at the marks on her body made me growl lowly.

Hearing someone coming near the door, I stand protectively in front of Ava.

The door slowly opens, as the king walks in.

I bow towards the king and say, "good morning Edward".

He nods towards me and tries to look at his daughter, but I'm still stood protectively in front of her.

"Can I see her, Vince", the king speaks, asking not demanding like I thought he would.

I step back, but stand right next to Ava and hold her left hand.

The king looks at Ava with sadness swimming in his eyes. But as soon as it's there it leaves, back to his Stoney expression. The same expression which sat on my face, until a couple of weeks ago.

The king stands straight with his fists clenched together, he steps towards Ava and leans down to kiss her forehead. Then he steps back and walks out of the room.

The kings act of affection surprised me as since 'The Monstrous Storm of The South' the king had turned to stone. I once heard he was a happy king full of joy. He spread love all around, but since that day the kings land was full of sadness. Everyone would try to hide the sadness, they would put fake smiles on their faces. The pack wore a mask.

The happiness came back when I arrived at the kingdom, when I saved the princess.

I had known my mate since she was a little girl, however I didn't remember until a couple of days ago. Then that night at dinner I had found out the girl who I saved was my soulmate.

Knowing that I saved the princess when she was a little girl, made me as a young boy so proud and honoured. But knowing now that I saved my mate, I felt so exhilarated.


Thanks for the reads, I'm so happy that they go up every time I update. 

Word Count: 393

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