Chapter 29

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Ava P.O.V

My leg felt like a fire pit, I could feel the blood sticking to my jeans. Florence was stood next to me helping me walk, her wings (super weird, not normal at all) were fluttering in the clear air.

"ok, so we're gonna stay by this tree and I'll leave when I can sense Vince" Florence said calmly, while pressing her hand against my leg.

"My magic should've cured your injury, but seems that the witch was using dark magic", Flo said with an annoyed expression on her face.

"Flo what are yo- "I start to ask, but she pauses me.

"Vince is close, I'll leave now and scout the area. Find me in the castle tomorrow and I'll tell you what I can", Flo said interrupting me.

I sat with my back against the dark hard redwood pine tree and watched Flo turn into a little creature with beautiful wings.

I waved to her goodbye and waited for my mate to arrive.


I started to dose off until I heard shuffling in the bushes straight ahead of me. I perked up and out jumped a massive jet black furred wolf.

The wolf was Vince, I could tell straight away by the loving look in his eyes. He walked towards me with his tail wagging happily. He sniffed around me for any danger, when he had finished his scout, he came towards me. His wet nose went up my leg and stopped when my leg jumped in pain. He had touched my injury, I looked down to see dried blood.

I normally don't swear but it hurt like a fucking ducking bitch.

I felt a wet slobber on my leg, I looked down to see Vince licking my leg. I tried to move him away as dog slobber was disgusting. But he just gently pounced back and moved his tounge higher up my leg, I let out a giggle as it tickled.

Vince stopped licking me and gave me a wolfly grin. I smiled back at him and leaned towards his body as I missed him so much.

He curled his large body around mine like I was his baby, and he was my protector.


Favourite line of that chapter, probably where she said it hurt like a fucking ducking bitch. 

Thanks for reading, I love you all. 

Word Count: 365


The Princess's Mate  #1 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now