Chapter 28

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Guys a new persons view chapter, happy days!!!

Florence P.O.V

I am Ava's best friend, but the only thing she doesn't know about me is that I am also a princess, I should be the leader, the queen of the fairies and elves.

I met Ava at a boarding school which her dad sent me too, for my protection and hers. Her father the king of werewolves knew my parents and as a royal he had to help me, it was known as a secret royal law.

When he sent me to the school I didn't know Avalyn would be so nice and our friendship was not a lie, she is my best friend.

Anyway, this isn't about me, this is about Ava. The king told me that Ava had ran away after a huge fight, Vince couldn't contact her and nobody knew where to find her. The expert sniffers searched her scent but all they found was a path of blood, which led to a river, but the scent had disappeared then.

Vince is and was getting angry, the kings worried he will turn into his beast and kill everybody on sight.

The king knew I couldn't get my powers as they had been stolen, but I told him I could maybe do something to save Ava, but I would have to go alone. I would give him a signal for when to let Vince run to his mate.

As I started to walk out of the castle a hand stopped me, "Flo, you can't go it's too dangerous", I turned around to see Blake, a flicker of fear swooped through his eyes.

I shrugged his arm off me, the prince may be my gift, but my body needed to feel relaxed if I wanted to save Ava. Whenever I'm around Blake my heart beats fast and my hands become sweaty.

"I've got to go", I say while hoping into the black car which is waiting for me. The windows were tinted, so Blake couldn't see me but I could see the distress in his dark eyes. I wanted to believe he was worried about me, but it was most likely about his sister.

The car started to go and I told the driver the directions, while doing this I could feel Blake's heated stare of my back

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"Florence what are you doing back here, has Edward kicked you out?", my aunt asked very quickly and she watched the dark car drive away.

"No, no. Auntie as a witch do you, can you give me some magic, maybe around 6 hour's worth", I ask, with a sweet smile.

"Yes, but why?" she asked.

"Auntie princess Avalyn has been kidnapped and my magic could be the only way to save her", I told my aunt, knowing she wouldn't tell anyone this secret, we wouldn't want other realms, like the horrible vampires knowing that the werewolf realm can be easily attacked.

With a slight nod, she walked over to her stereotypical black cauldron and asked me to collect some items, an item of Avalyn's clothing, wolfs spit and a royal diamond.

I looked at her with an expression of disgust when she asked for the wolf spit, how the bloody hell was I meant to get that without sounding extremely crazy "oh wolf boy can you spit in this jug please". Yeah that will go soooo well.

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After grabbing the items and mixing them in the caldron my aunt grabbed a mixer out of the cupboard. Around 10 minutes later she gave me a glass, which smelled like rotten eggs and baby poop. I drank it all while holding my nose, tightly.

I felt the magical powers flow through my body, my aunt told me that the magic would wear off at midnight, like Cinderella's did.

As it was already 10 past 6 I knew I shouldn't waste any more time, so with the currents of magic flowing through my body I transformed into a fairy. I was a tiny creature, but I could enlarge my size whenever I wanted too.

In my mind I had a map, the map showed me Ava's location, as quick as my tiny wings would go I zoomed off into the night sky.

An hour later I was in the sewers, which linked the woodlands to the village. The smell was disgusting, but I had to keep my nose senses on as the map wouldn't work underground.

As I flew around the tunnels I could hear voices, I quickly froze and flew upwards above the stranger's heads. The lady from the carpark was there but the air around her was really dark, that's when I knew she was using dark magic.

There were two men behind her, one of them had a large scratch along his cheek, which made his face even uglier that it already was.

The other man tripped and that's when I accidently laughed out loud, as when he tripped his head landed between the women's legs. All the people stopped talking "whose there!!" the women screeched, her voice nearly making my ears bleed.

The man's face made me laugh even harder as his face was blushing red, that lady most have something crazy up her knickers.

The other man grabbed his gun and the women looked in every direction, but mine. I flew next to the man's ear who was holding the gun and shouted "boo!", the man accidently shot his gun and it fired into the ugly scar faced man's butt, who had only just gotten up from the floor.

I felt like playing with the group some more but I knew I needed to save Ava, however the lady was going to be a problem, the king would want to torture her, himself.

So, with a little bit of power and mind control I knocked the women to the floor and put her to sleep for a couple of hours, the two men looked at their leader and ran for it. However, I knew the king would want to question them as well, so with a zap of magic I knocked them out as well.

Grabbing the keys which landed on the floor which was next to the unconscious women, I flew too Ava's cage.

Turning to human size I unlocked the door, and opened it to see Ava tied to chair next to a table with an empty glass on it.

She looked up and I gasped when I saw the red handprint on her face, tears were streaming down her face when she saw it was me.

She went to speak, only no voice came out, she pointed to the glass, so magically I poured some water into the glass and passed it her while I untied to the tight ropes with a little use of my magic.

When she went to stand up, she fell back down onto the chair, I told to look at her face only to hear a gasp come out of mouth, "what"? I asked.

She pointed upwards towards my shoulders, "wi-wings, you have wings".

"oh them", I say while fluttering them.

She slowly stood up, and touched them with her tiny fingers, "wings", she murmured.

"soooo, you probably want to know what this is", I said while pointing towards my beautiful delicate wings.

"But, we need to escape, I don't know how long until my magic wears off of your capturers", I said while walking Ava towards the door as she was still weak in the legs.

While we walked through the sewer tunnels together, I told Ava that she can't tell anybody about the wings and I would explain to her later, and I need to drop her off in the woods where Vince would find her, I would stay nearby until he came, but once he's there I would need to fly away. As he can't know about my secret identity.

I mind linked the king, which is a power which all the most powerful royals have, I can mind link anybody, but I would have to have met them and have some kind of connection with them beforehand.

King the princess is safe, she will be by the west boarder. I will leave you with the directions of where her capturers are. I will wait for Vince and then I will return to the castle, I can only stay a little longer and then I must leave and save my kingdom.

Thank you,

Princess Florence.


So Florence has been introduced and you've learnt a bit more about her. I love you all for reading this book!!!

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Word Count: 1449


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