Chapter 30

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Ava P.O.V

It must've been an hour since Vince had found me in the forest, we were still on the ground but Vince was now in human form. He had a pair of shorts on which he brought with him and a tiny blanket.

I could feel Vince's stare on my face, so I turned and considered his eyes. I didn't know if what the witch told me was true, so as everything had now happened to me, I believe that I should be able to get some answers now.

"Vince my capturer told me some things, some very twisted things and I just want the answers and I know you can give them to me, so please tell me", I begged with tears at the corners of my eyes.

"Ava baby, you've been through so much. You are my mate and I knew one day you would find out mine and Ace's past. Tell me what the witch told you and I tell you if what she said is true", Vince told me while wiping away the tiny tears which had escaped my eyes.

"Ok, so firstly was there ever a time when Ace was only a wolf, did he not have a human", I asked.

"Yes. I was only a wolf for around 90 years. It must seem very old, but I age very slowly, time in a way has stopped for me. My age goes up, but my physique doesn't really change", Ace answered. I nodded along as he spoke and gasped when he said his age.

"Ok this part is a bit weird, but the witch told me that they had these crocodile and tiger creatures, which were like mixed together is that true, oh and are they still around", as I spoke about the last a shiver of fear went across the body, I would not want to be killed or see one of them ever.

"The witches created them, however they became extinct as many of them became deformed and their bodies slowly shutdown", Ace answered again as he was there when all of this happened.

"Is it true that the witches won the first war?" this so felt like a history lesson.

"Yes- "

"boohoo", I shouted with a pout.

"But the witches only won because there was a hurricane which swiped away many of the wolves", Ace said sadly. I quickly wrapped my arms around Vince which gave Ace some comfort.

"My brother Spadey died in that war. But it wasn't the witches who killed him it was the hurricane, witches can't control natural disasters. It was an unfair win and an unfair death, Spadey had just turned 21", Ace/Vince buried his face in my neck and I could feel wetness from his tears against my t-shirt, I held him tighter and whispered comforting words into his ear and gently kissed his head.

I let Ace calm down and asked if I should carry on and he said yes.

I stroked his hair while saying the next part "How exactly did you get a human", I asked with curiosity, as I knew from school that the Moon Goddess gave us our mates, but I didn't know how it all started.

"I didn't get my first human until the end of the second war, however the rest of the wolves had, I have no idea why. I had some friends from the other realms and some of there friends were magical creatures, they gave us a way to communicate with a lady called Silver Luna who everybody now knows as the Moon Goddess. She wanted what we wanted: good and evil to be balanced. She gave wolves a human to give us a balance, and she gave us mates as everybody needs love". Ace said with so much power towards the last sentence, I thought back to what the witch said, 'all the humans he had before had died before he could get a mate'.

Instead of going into such a deep question about mates and Ace's past love life, I asked about his pack, "So were you the leader of the wolf pack".

"No and yes", I looked at him with a confused expression, so explained it to me in more detail.

"No because in the first war there was a different leader, but he died from dark magic. So, as his son I became the leader in the second war". I nodded and hugged him tighter knowing that he had also lost his father.

"Ok so what were your humans like before Vince?" I questioned him.

"Well before Vince I've only had two humans. Silver Luna the Moon Goddess always gave me strong, powerful humans. With those humans, I only met one mate, but she was with somebody else, the world was still at the stage when they didn't believe in mates, they didn't wait for their mate", Ace said sadly, I would like to believe Vince is a virgin, but if Ace is one as well I feel very lucky, as even these days not many people wait as sexual hormones make you very sexually frustrated and it's even worse being a werewolf, as they are 10x as bad.

"Silver gifted me with powerful humans, but she knew I was part royal. Instead of giving me a royal she gave me alpha's. Then my best Alpha came along, Vince; he the best, he is the only human I've been given who is close friends with the royals"

"Back to the war questions, when you won the battle did you kill the leader, as the witch told me that the leader was her father and that is why you have a raging beast inside you", I asked.

"I killed the leader, but I killed many enemies that day, it's all part of survival. If I didn't kill the leader, evil would consume the world and we need a balance between good and evil", Ace answered with honesty and achievement, as he is winner that time round.

"If I was a normal shifter then the curse would've lifted, but as I am one of the first wolves, the curse will be with me forever, the beast has become part of me and I'm learning to control it with mine and Vince's emotions".

"Lastly, how old are you?" I asked with a little pink tint covering my cheeks.

"I'm 236 years", my face must've looked like I'd seen a ghost with the way Ace/Vince was laughing. That is bloody old. He's 220 years older than me. What the actual fuck.

"wow, just wow", I was absolutely speechless. My eyes were wide open with surprise at his answer. My mouth probably looked like a gaping fish, all it was doing was open, close, open, close. My wolf mate is a very, very old. I've been kissing and snuggling with a 236-year-old wolf!

"Just what the flying fish fuck".


Sadly this book is nearly over, but some surprises will be given in the next chapter. Happy reading, I love you all!!!

Word Count: 1159


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