Chapter 25

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I ran out of my parent's quarters, carrying my father's journal as I ran down the stairs towards the kitchen where I could hear and smell Vince and Blake.

Tears were still rapidly falling down my red cheeks, he had lied to me, everybody had died to me.

Vince turns around in time for the force of my hand hitting his cheek. I look at his cheek where I hand just was to see a red handprint, more anger boils inside me, as I remember what I read, every word which is inside this diary.

"How dare you lie to me! You knew me!" I shout at Vince.

I turn to Blake, whose staring at me and waiting for his hit, but his hit isn't physical its emotional, its verbal, "you're my brother, how could you not tell me about that night, how did you live, how did you pretend I didn't nearly die!" I shout letting the truth I know, be heard.

"Ava calm down", Blake begs as I band my fists against Vince's chest as he tries to calm me down with the mate pull, but the anger is already clouding my senses, the rage is too powerful.

I just pull away and hit both of the boys harder, I watch the pain flash through Vince's eyes as I ignore the sparkles which sizzle against my skin.

"Mum! Dad!" Blake shouts in pure panic. They have never seen me break down, the last time something like this happened was at school, when the bitches called me weak and pushed Florence against the lockers. We were the geeks, I acted like an omega alpha, instead of a royal alpha, and all the bitches acted like they were the queens of the world, but queens don't hurt their own, they are calm and loving.

I hear feet pattering, thumping against the floor as I scream repeatedly, "you lied! You lied!" 

"Darling, sweet Ava calm down", my mum speaks in her soft calming motherly voice.

But the calmness doesn't get to the anger boiling inside of me, "you lied, my own mother lied to me. You said father was hiding secrets and these secrets are hidden in this home, but you didn't tell me that these secrets surrounded me. You didn't tell me that I am the main character to this story".

"And you my father, you said you were protecting me, but all you do is ignore me! You sent me to a boarding school for 6 years. I was bullied at that school because my life has to be kept a secret, I had to pretend I was a weak child, when I'm not! I'm not weak! You just couldn't bear to see me; that's right isn't it! It's like I'm not even your daughter, I'm just this random girl living in your house. You wrote in your journal that you wished to hear me say I love you, but how could I, if you don't show me any love!"

I shout at me father, feeling the soreness as all the rage and anger of him rejecting me came out. Every time I walked past him and he just pretended I wasn't there. Every time I came home at the holidays and everybody would say he's on a business trip visiting other pacts or he would just hide in his office, in his quarters until I had left again.

More tears roll down my cheeks and snot streams from my runny nose.

I look at all of them, I glare at all of them, my heart brakes as I say my 6 final words, "I nearly died" and "I hate you", the last one is towards my father. I look straight into his eyes as he knows that I'm not a liar, like they all are.

That's when I ran. I turn into my wolf and just ran. I ran for miles, past the boarder, past the guards, away from my home. I ran away from the family I thought I trusted, only to find out they were all liars.


Exciting an update for this and an update for Run Away Love, I love my readers so much, just thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!

Word Count: 681 


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