Chapter 10

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Third Person

11 years ago

Rain pitter pattered down on the windowsill. Dark clouds surround the area, mothers called in their children, not wanting their pups to be cold and wet.

Two children ignored the parents. The princess and her best friend.

Knowing how stubborn the little princess was, they waited until the queen or the king came.

But they waited too long, they didn't know the storm would be the worst ever seen. It was monstrous. They called it 'The Monstrous Storm of The South'.


For months people from many packs visited to show support towards the royal family.

One day when the royal family thought the princess would never wake up. An Alpha from across the river visited with his Luna and son. A young, healthy and noble boy.

As the guards took the two people to the King and Queen, the young boy felt like he had to be somewhere else.

The boy ran as fast as he could and followed his heart. His father called for him to stop and the guards tried to catch him, but he was too fast.

He ran until he came to a pink door, his heart started beating much faster. He could hear weeping from inside.

He slowly opened the door, and saw two young boys who seemed to be around his age. Between the two boys he could see a bed, a princess pink bed to be exact. As he walked closer to the boys he could see many wires leading to the bed.

The boy spoke to ask if the other two were ok.

The two boys turned when they saw the boy, they called him over as they could tell he was harmless.

The boys said their names were Lucas and Blake, and they were sat next to a young girl called Avalyn.

The young boy told them his name was Vince.

Vince thought to himself that Blake must've been the prince, while Lucas was the top royal guard's son and Avalyn was the sleeping Princess.

Vince asked them why the girl was asleep in the middle of the day and why she was such a pale colour. Lucas told Vince that the girl was ill.

Lucas asked Vince if he wanted to talk to the girl, Vince said yes and introduced himself.

As Vince started talking he heard a loud beeping noise, the girl had moved, she started thrashing and screaming, her eyes had also opened. Showing a bright blue colour, surprising Vince with their intensity.

Blake pressed a button on the wall and suddenly a group of people in white coats rushed into the room. The boys were rushed out of the room, and that's when that heard a scream. The scream was high pitched and hurt everybody's ears.


Walking towards his mum, Vince could see his dad arguing with the king.

Turning to see Vince in the room the two men stopped. The king walked towards Vince and dropped to his knees, begging that he would give some of his blood to his daughter. Tears streamed down the Kings face, he wanted his daughter's eyes to open and look at him with love and her voice to say, 'I love you daddy'.

Vince said yes to the King, he gave is blood to the princess and saved her life.

Mummers were heard around that Vince's blood shouldn't have matched Avalyn's. Maybe Vince was a long-lost family member. But others believed that Vince could be there princess's mate.

Vince knew that him and Ava had met before, but will Ava remember.


Word count:592 





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