Chapter 11

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"Guess what Lucas, guess what", I shout giggly. While jumping up and down on Lucas's bed.

"Ava what time is it?" Lucas asked grumpily.

"Its 7am", I answer with a hidden smile.

"Ava why did you wake me up so early", Lucas said while yawning.

"Well Vince is being let out today", I answer happily.

"How do you know that?", Lucas asked curiously.

"Well... I overheard mother and father talking, mother was saying 'Ava's sad, you need to let her see her mate', and then father was like 'I can protect her, she doesn't need him', but mother fought back and said, 'how would you like it if you couldn't see me', and that's when father growled, and left as it was getting a bit more than PG13", I answered quickly.

Lucas sat still processing my words, he began to talk but then he suddenly stopped. His eyes glazed over and that's when I knew he was mind linking someone.

"Ava, your father said I can take you to Vince", Lucas told me.

Yay, we get to see our mate I said to my wolf excitedly. Woof. She growled back happily.

I went and took a shower as Lucas said I smelled and then I followed Lucas. We were walking towards the dungeons which was weird.

"Don't be angry, but we're down here to see Vince "Lucas said while covering his precious face, waiting for my fist.

"What do you mean Vince is down here!" I shouted.

"Well it was your father, you know how he is with your safety", Lucas said.

"What!" I roared as my wolf came to the surface.

"How could you let him take my mate, how would you like it if you were stuck in a dirty dungeon!" I growled again louder.

"It wasn't my choice, we had to follow the king's orders", Lucas answered calmly.

"That doesn't make it any better", I answered, while slowly breathing in and out, calming my wolf. I knew my wolf would take over if I got any angrier.

"Well, now your calm, would you like to see your mate", Lucas asked me.

"Yes, I would love to", I spoke, while hiding my vicious thoughts about my father away from Lucas.

Me and Lucas walked down the cold dungeon steps and we walked past many screams, which struck horror to my kind heart.

Lucas stopped me as we came to a large door with many locks, it seemed like it could hold a two-headed beast. Lucas unlocked the door with a hidden key and slowly opened it for me.

Inside the room, it smelled like rotten flesh, the ceiling seemed to be peeling away, the floor looked like it would taste of burnt toast, and as I looked further into the room all I could see was darkness, even with my werewolf vision.

I heard a weird snarl as I walked further inside, 'crack, crunch', I heard as I looked down onto the floor. I slowly moved my foot back as I could see hundreds of bones, I heard another snarl as I nearly fell over my two feet.

I quickly moved towards the back wall, as I heard loud stomps coming towards me.

In front of me stood what looked like a beast. This beast had fur sprouting out of its arms, legs and pretty much everywhere. The beast moved even closer to me to see what had come into its chambers.

As I tried to find the door, the beast lifted its hidden face. I gasped as I saw... Vince.


Sorry for the late update, I'm in the last phase of NCS. My team is planning different charity events for Daisy's Dream. A charity which helps young people have a positive outcome to loosing a loved one.

Word Count: 594





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