My Meela

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Fin's POV

Finally, the day has come for me to meet my brother's mate, Meela. Her name has slipped out of my mouth over and over again in the middle of the night ever since he told me about her.

A wave of pleasure, intense, unsatisfied that washes through me as I enter my old home. I can smell her so strong, so present a quiver of muscles making it hard to stand anymore. I can't focus on anything this female is saying to me, forgetting her name already I think it's Stephanie if I remember right.

I can hear Meela's voice drifting into the study drowning out the female who's actually talking in my ear. Meela's voice a delicate soft that can't help caress my ears. It's a swaying music that her throat is producing.

Needing to turn away from the door, I can't face her head on, it's as if I am meeting my own mate. Putting my nose into the crook of this female's neck actual helps me remain calm, this filthy scent saturating out the goodness that I was just smelling. It's a nervous laugh that comes out of my mouth as if I just said something funny.

"Brother, I want you to meet my mate Meela." Grey's voice is hesitant in his introduction. Turning around the breath in her hitches up high, taking a gasp in. Her eyes, I have to hold my own gasp in. The color of dark honey, her cheeks are crimson flushed with inviting lips that I would kiss forever if she were mine.

How could my brother ever do what he did to this female who is nothing but perfect?

She's making me uneasy the way she's looking at me, so I smirk and wink at her being the Fin everyone has come to know and expect. Sticking out my hand she clasps it and in this touch, I want more from her. Pulling her into me, her weight is nothing as I easily hug her against me. My scent now clings to her, and I secretly like that, want that.

Having to pull away, grasping onto her shoulders looking from the top of her head down to her full lips, her chest that's covered up nothing exposed for the eyes to lust after. She's small framed that could be easily dominated underneath me.

Trying to keep my composure the only option is to step away from my brother's mate, a conscious effort to stay away from what's not mine, but I don't want to.

She could be, mine.

"Meela, it's nice to meet you." My voice seems to be shaking with nerves.

"Thank you. It's nice to meet you Fin." Her smile she gives me is blinding in the purest sense of the word, I could become a blind man.

"This little thing marked you first." I need to laugh this anxiety away. Scratching my chin because I'm not sure how to act at the moment. I didn't think I could be so drawn to a female besides Victoria. My mood sinks, that's what I will have to do think of Victoria while around this perfect female. I can't look my brother in the eye, my feeling are not brotherly towards his mate.

"I was expecting some beast of a female, more a male than a female." I thought she would reflect Victoria in a way, tall, strong unflinching power.

"You're not what I thought you'd be. You are very beautiful." She rivals Victoria and if I look closer I would think she is more than Victoria. Jealousy claims me in the moment the moon favoring my twin.

Giving him a beauty inside and out while I'm stuck with rot and filth.

Her crimson cheeks deepening with the compliment, is she not use to compliments?

"Thanks, I didn't know that-" She stops herself before looking at Grey, I still can't meet his eyes because I feel so guilty in this moment. "-he had a twin." Now I look into my brother's eyes. Grey's turn to look away guilty.

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