Pack Before Feelings

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Victoria's POV

Fin embraces Grey in a strong hug, even kissing him on the cheek in a show of affection not often displayed in front of the pack. Fin doesn't care, he holds his brother to him whispering his thanks and praise. Grey glows with the kind words Fin gives him. They really are best friends, brothers...they love one another truly and deeply even with the history between them, they love one another till the...death.

Both those males look stunning in the early morning light, but Fin...his face has a way of stopping my thoughts. Sometimes when I have a question to ask, I just forget the question as soon as his eyes meet mine, fumbling over my words. This male is just too much and as the days pass he's challenging to my nature.

Once those two say their goodbyes I step towards Grey keeping my arms crossed against my chest, his hands stay in his pocket out of respect for Fin. His forgiveness only goes so far, I don't need to rile him or his wolf.

"Grey," Giving him a nod and a sad smile.

"By Victoria," Grey's eyes hold mine slightly longer than appropriate, Fin's low rumble of annoyance breaks the contact between us. Giving him a little wave before he gets into the truck to driving away, to his future.

Watching him pull out of the driveway that juvenile I fell in love with has turned into a male that I admire. He will make a good Beta to Fin but Meela she will have no place at the table until she's ready

Even then I doubt she'll want a place beside me.

Turning towards Fin regarding him, letting my eyes hit every inch of his body before I turn on my heels leaving him to whatever he does all day.

It's been three weeks since Fin's ascension, the pack has assimilated well. Wolves by nature are social and deep down all the wolves just want to belong to a unit....a family. The remaining members of the old pack have accepted Fin's rule unconditionally, even flourishing underneath his power.

"Victoria come here." Without listening, my body takes me away from him. Maybe he will think I can't hear him?

"Victoria," it's whispered out with a subdue warning.

Stopping my forward motion, turning turn to face him, not his eyes I avoid those eyes, they are too much for my resolve....spineless thinking of myself.

Instead, I choose to focus on his neck and the spot that should have my mark on it.

"Are you listening to me?" He snaps his fingers in front of my face.

"Concentrate Victoria it's not that difficult," clenching my jaw I have to suppress my words to this male.

"You will be eating meals from now on with us in the house, I'm tired of trying to keep your seat unoccupied." He throws words out that has me bristling at just the idea of someone stealing what's mine I growl lowly towards him.

"Don't you think it's time to start facing them again?"

That has me bringing my eyes to meet his, "I don't want to Fin! I don't want to be anywhere you'll be." Holding his stare easily, I only look away because my resolve whispers so softly to act on my instincts.

Ebb and flow of thoughts sway my body as if I'm on a boat gently rocking back and forth on the waves. I want to dip my hand in the water and taste it but that won't be enough. The taste of it won't be enough I'll have to jump in, let the water surround my body until I breathe it into my lungs and still that won't be enough. I will never be able to get enough of this harden male. 

Fin's ClaimNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ