Bitter Or Better

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Victoria's POV

"I'm sorry, you mumbled something under your breath. I didn't catch that. What did you say, Finian?" Eyes travel over me, stopping at our pup in my arms, rubbing her back calming her down. She settles for me now. No more confusion who is her mother. She just needed time with me, only me.

"You heard what I said." He stares at me now, hard coal eyes searching my soul, I hold them for a second too long before he takes a step towards me.

"Why are you so mean to that female,? She has done nothing wrong. I told you it was me! Leave her alone! She's not well." A commanding order is given. My Alpha's voice ringing in my ears. A shiver of pleasure, my Nature welcomes.

"If you want to fight with someone, fight me. At least then it would be almost a fair fight." He's digging into me with hooks that I can't take out cleanly.

"I'm not sure what kind of game you're playing at, but it needs to stop now. She isn't in any kind of condition for your games.." He spits the last part out. He's not afraid to tell me how wrong he thinks I'm acting, I will always get the truth from him even if it's hard to hear.

"I said you're a bitch! Tell me, am I wrong? Prove to me that I'm wrong." He doesn't look away, challenging me to defend myself, my actions. Putting my actions onto a table that's in plain view for us to see, dissect and talk about.

The weak perish early, he is not the weak. A constitution of iron that I try to mold with my bare hands, he is unyielding. It's me that bends to him. His knee's don't tremble, he doesn't shake with fear. No, he welcomes it, a fight is a fight...his nature demands him to stand up to a fight. Even if it's me.

When I don't respond. "That's what I thought." His words scrape along my face like claws.

I take a seat on his right, waiting for him to put an extra plate where he feels she should sit. Does he place it beside me or him on his left? I could care less at this point, he doesn't know this but he is starting to make me mad.

Walking towards the table with a plate in his hand, he pauses for a moment. Looking at me, I try hard to keep my face very neutral. I eye the plate, being held innocently in his hand. Instead of putting down he picks up the other two plates, "It's help yourself tonight." He says this with a quick smile knowing he's outplayed one of my moves.

My toe taps the floor, turning his head to the side with the small noise.

"I have been around too many she-wolves jockeying around me for the position." He sets the plates down on the table, hands on my shoulders so I have to look up at him.

"You don't need to jockey for that position, you own it. Nothing can take that away from you. So stop trying to test me, you won't win. I've been watching this game for so long not to know what you're up to."

My face drops with what I had planned, to watch him squirm like a worm on a hot sunny day on black asphalt. He's turning the tables on me.

" Victoria, I was wrong. I admit that, but what you're doing is worse. The spot is yours, but right now do you really deserve it?"

That infuriates me, my malice for him seething out my skin. "I don't deserve it, really?The only reason why I'm sitting there is for her. Not you!"

"I'm sorry Victoria, it just happened. It was a mistake, one of many that I regret in my life, the first is having Grey take my place when I should have been the one to visit the eastern pack, the second is walking away from you when I realized what happened by letting Grey take my place, the third is that kiss between Meela and me."

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